New Scratcher Joined 9 years, 4 months ago Mexico
About me
me encantan los gatos y me encanta ser positiva pero lo que no me gusta es el ingles
What I'm working on
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Shared Projects (18)
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Proyecto Nuevo Juego de la Serpiente-2 by melody2208
serpiente by melody2208
Proyecto juego serpiente by melody2208
proyecto:hazlo volar / make it fly by melody2208
proyecto:super quemados by melody2208
mi foto by melody2208
chiste joker by melody2208
"Hablar a otros objetos / Talk to each other" by melody2208
Ch3: Spiral Rider remix / Cap 03: Laberinto Espiral remix by melody2208
Hide and Seek remix by melody2208
mis cosas favoritas by melody2208
crea un juego pong by melody2208
lo by melody2208
anima tu nombre by melody2208
mirame bailar by melody2208
Untitled-7 by melody2208
primer tutorial scratch by melody2208
Untitled-6 by melody2208
Favorite Projects
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☁ Swinging in the Rain • Lapis Lazuli ☁ by ClareBear202
Make it fly/Hazlo volar by Hammer665
Anime Tutorial (this isn't an interacting game) by taffygirl13
Hatsune Miku- Levan polkka by cakewizard
・°☆Stronger Than You MAP Steven Universe remix by discokid300
proyecto:super quemados by melody2208
1 Introducción remix-5 por Ch4rly4lex by Ch4rly4lex
One Direction Songs remix by Valspizza
TripleDent Gum AMV by artsypotato
Chiste / Joke by Narutaki2000
El olor a almendras amargas by Narutaki2000
Ch3: Spiral Rider remix / Cap 03: Laberinto Espiral by Narutaki2000
SU Garnet cat. by nardmonkey
PI RULES!!! by orangeoz
★Papas Cupcakeria★ by InTheShoeIsAwesome
★When My IPhone Rings...[AV]★ by bear123bear456
anima tu nombre by vanelope012
05. Crea un juego de pong. by Narutaki2000
Customize a Nyan Cat by Treblue
Proyecto Final Lo más relevante de mi año by Falloutgirltotal1204
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