madliu336 » Studios I Follow (90)
Ninja lights (Robot Constructor and Destructor team)
follow this studio or i'll take ur cheese
Cool stuff made by scratchers.
(official) minecat234 fan club
I am racing @god286 to 1k followers!
can you help me with a 100% pen platformer?
scratch cat gets kicked to mars series
EEEEW Dum studio for noob £kaj Arjduusjsususjuujju
Boom,Hardworking,High IQ,Crazy and Smart Users
Do you want to help me make TOAD GETS YEETED 2?
TOAD GETS YEETED!! (Mobile Friendly)
my followers
add stuff like whatever and add the best projects
great Studio
Car Anatomy
New Game Trivia a Speedrun 2!
awsome Studio
New Game Bounce Bombers!
cool Studio
Battle Arena 2+ Updates!
The A Team BATTLE ARENA :) YAY good team [CLOSED]
☁ Super Mario on Scratch Multiplayer Community!
eptical games
My Q&A - Ask anything!
Super Mario on Scratch 2 Remastered
Story Platformers
Be Nice To @zvardin
The Ninja Studio
The Chocolate Studio
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