Scratcher Joined 3 years, 1 month ago Argentina
About me
Hola y bienvenido a el perfil lion777xd que tiene un estudio llamado "Tiburosin Studios" que solo tiene 2 integrantes que son:
Somos uno programadores del motor de videojuegos "Scratch"
What I'm working on
Estamos trabajando en un juego 3d que se llama "invasion Z" sera un juego de zombies
Perfil de
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (39)
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Invasion Z nuestro juego de zombies! ya disponible en gratis! by lion777xd
Invasion Z SOUNDTRACKS (parte 2) by lion777xd
Invasion Z SOUNDTRACKS (parte 1) by lion777xd
Titanic Tiburonsin theory by lion777xd
Invasion Z nuevo graficos, y ciudad japonesa by lion777xd
Invasion Z TRAILER by lion777xd
Sharkders 2.0 (PROXIMAMENTE) by lion777xd
Sensibleee by lion777xd
Imagenes de motor 3D para Invasion Z by lion777xd
Invasion Z Teaser 2 by lion777xd
Scratch se cae by lion777xd
Invasion Z Teaser by lion777xd
Escape of the backrooms mobile by lion777xd
Pac Man Championship Edition DEMO by lion777xd
Pac Man CE EMULATOR PC by lion777xd
Pac Man Championship Edition Completado by lion777xd
FOOTBALL Score Penalty by lion777xd
Minecraft 2D SURVIVAL/CREATIVE DEMO by lion777xd
CAR SPEED MOBILE by lion777xd
CAR SPEED 2.5D by lion777xd
Favorite Projects
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Slipuin by -kippie-
Pac Man CE Mobile by lion777xd
ISMED: Piloto @isarama by isarama
Save the Titanic by lion777xd
Jim's life PC/mobile beta by aaronwow
PACMAN by DnsKing
pac-man cha by lark2121
Massive Multiplayer Platformer v1.3 by griffpatch
katrina horror game by lichusuper13
hacer la tarea a las 3AM (no terminado, no jugar) by lichusuper13
One Night in My Room by vmarie
Shark Catch 3-D by Spinofan11
Hungry Shark ² | beta test by Juiserrt
The Orca 2.0 (Jaws Vector) by andredalien
flappy bird RTX by NecroHelioTutos
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Easy 2D Minecraft 1.3.0 by Mattant
One Night at Sonic's Hecho en 3 Horas by cesar12341234
Math2 update1 by Agent7th
one night at´s scratch´s 1.2 by elgamerprogramador
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scratchers hispano
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