lenfro » Favorites (45)
Journey - A Platformer #all #games #trending by abstractcoder360
2 player battle hacked by mega_code_776
A Different text engine + Uppercase and Backspace by slimywhenwet
3D Platformer On Scratch by UnaPrimavera
Tech Support //Animations by aina_animations
1 Bit Platformer by jonutlatderzweite
DRIFT -infinite- mobile friendly by jonutlatderzweite
Duck Life - ZERO by ggenije
Night Shift - Jam Entry by lpato45
Legends of Bob and The Ring of Time v.0.8.5 by MrFacey6
Corridors | Mobile & PC | Griffpatch Ray Casting Tutorial e3 by AhnafC
Corridors 3D | MOBILE FRIENDLY | Griffpatch Ray Casting Tutorial e3 by AhnafC
NINJA The Bullet Hell Shooter by epninja
Retro Duel by topcat12
Hero 2 by FaceOs
Uppercase check by Wes64test
Descend // Game Jam Entry #games by ReloadedUser
Lost In Pixel Plains v1.0 by Viiperrr
In Development v1.0 by Viiperrr
Zombie Cube Escape! HACKED by WaffleSheep-
Appel v1.4 by griffpatch
Inbound by gympy4
UnderTale by angrybirdkid
[3D] Scratch Survival 0.20.1a by Tacodiva7729
Zombie Cube Escape! by griffpatch
Follow For Follow! by Fellower
─█───█──▄▀▀▄──█───█──█─ ─█───█──█──█──█───█──█─ ─█─▄─█──█──█──█─▄─█──█─ ─█▀─▀█──▀▄▄▀──█▀─▀█──▄ by PyCloud
Minimap! by BladeSpartan
Rickcraft 3D by DarkLava
Fortnite Z by FunnyAnimatorJimTV
CPS Test by higgehiho
CPS Test high score by anonaymous1
Steve the Lumberjack by BostonRobWes
Wall Ball || Contest Entry by Z_a_p_p_y_m_a_n
The Princess's Quest by SlimReaperGOAT
Bob The Lumberman| #All #Games by goldenduck321
Red Circle Illusion! by Bhachdi
Open World Game | Starter Project by Zinnea
Cloud Platformer Multiplayer Fun v1.42 by griffpatch
Raycast by Wes64
The Room by lenfro
Say no to equals sign, say yes to plus sign by BFTPS_1
♨ Too Many Franks Spoil The Broth ♨ by cheekybubba5
Party 3D by lenfro
Bounce by lenfro