ktfu » Favorites (123)
Fortnite by ktfu
joshy baka by ktfu
Roblox Clicker by ktfu
Untitled-5 by ktfu
When it's at 1% lol by ktfu
I wanted to make one of these by returningtoscr4tch
I tried by ktfu
Scratch vs gobo by ktfu
Me when I game by ktfu
LOSE YOURSELF (clean) by ktfu
gansta paradise full version by ktfu
uno show em no mecrcy (multiplayer) by ktfu
So good by ktfu
thick of it ksi by ktfu
my pokemon card one punch man version by ktfu
earth clicker no upgrades by _nicheh30
funky town by ickyegg
Mbappe song by ktfu
kylian mbappe song by Ezanatheboi256
Sigma sigma on the wall by ktfu
Nutmeg! by ktfu
polar penguin by ktfu
space dog by ktfu
Snowfall [[Øneheart]] by fiful1
HEAT WAVES by ktfu
2 days into college by ktfu
After dark by geo-rizz-man
JJK SONG opening 3 (sped up) by geo-rizz-man
Cotten eye joe by nathanpopo
kompa pasion by ktfu
It’s the hard knock life by griffpatchtoilet
What the sigma by ktfu
Geometry Dash by NormanTheGamer
Geometry Dash Subzero by CrystalKeeper7
Nintendo Switch on Scratch #games #all by Fuzzee_animations
Ball bouncer 69 by griffpatchtoilet
Bru by ktfu
BRU PART 2 by ktfu
is this a sigma cat song by ktfu
lets gooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by ktfu
How did I get so many messages by HarryPika44
LOL by HarryPika44
Nutmeg! by HarryPika44
flexing wave by ktfu
Google on Scratch [Working] by Fuzzee_animations
71a84569-9bf2 by ktfu
I live with roches by ktfu
by ktfu
Dog ate homework by ktfu
Can you do it ? by ktfu
0.5k comment animations!!!11!! by ktfu
Domain Expansion English Subbed (but more accurate) by ktfu
the strongest battle grounds a new beginning by ktfu
0.5k comment animations!!!11!! entry by thagoattt
Who will win? by ktfu
by bubble-aesthetics
by bubble-aesthetics
by bubble-aesthetics