joe081 » Shared Projects (19)
Scratch Town v1.3b remix by joe081
binary key by joe081
- demonstration by joe081
Burp The BurgerA and his sidekicks demo (burp the bugera pt.2) by joe081
scratchy by joe081
stop by joe081
the rose 2 //unfinished// (jeff approved) by joe081
slime tournement round 1 by joe081
the rose //unfinished//(´༎ຶ ͜ʖ ༎ຶ `) by joe081
Untitled-6 by joe081
wwhhyy aarree yyoouu wwaassttiinngg yyoouurr lliiffee by joe081
15% pen 5% music 7.5% looks 2.5% sensing 2.5% motion 2.5% operators 10% events 22.5% control not any by joe081
tilting remote by joe081
Untitled-5 by joe081
(non) rollin' platformer by joe081
rollin' platformer by joe081
2dscrolling by joe081
the maze by joe081
classroom pong by joe081