jocelineb » Shared Projects (17)
scratch 3 (trivia game) by jocelineb
Mad Libs: A crazy night at the library by jocelineb
Formula Menu remix by jocelineb
flappy bird (advanced scratch) by jocelineb
Mad Lib - Using a list example remix by jocelineb
birthday card by jocelineb
Project 6: How many minutes left? remix by jocelineb
initials by jocelineb
race to the finish by jocelineb
Hide and Seek by jocelineb
scratch 2 by jocelineb
dress-up by jocelineb
scratch 1 by jocelineb
making music :) by jocelineb
(make it fly) by jocelineb
animate your name (; by jocelineb
getting started (dance show) by jocelineb