jocaacoj » Favorites (1480)
Should This Be Real? by Little-GeniusM
Ö (abaixe o volume) by jocaacoj
Nightmare by PiglinZumbi
blocky jumps. (IM BACK!) by dimondheroblazer
NESSIE by LuckyDuckyLife
Deh indo para lá by jocaacoj
Э by gusnathan
О but i conked it by yououttaurmind122
AJR burn the house down[Clean] by vromamas000
Have U Ever Had A Dream That You Um........ by xXTheUwUXx
gire um dado by jocaacoj
Animation test 2 - Long S (from alphalore lore) by bobert_2763
Endless Russian Myagkiy znak concept by ROBLOXIsdaBEST168
Uktanian Documan Font remix by Caidenavy
scratnic the gaem by Christiand1014
Dream Dodge by AcidLePurpleRainWing
P's New file (ft. F loves P) by numberswizard
P's New New file by jocaacoj
P's New file by numberswizard
rastro de gato maluco by jocaacoj
Untitled-2406 by numberswizard
Glow...somehow by Fyndora
This is what P's death looks like in my Spanish Alphabet Lore by 1117Hayden
This is what S's death looks like in my ALBTWIAIOF... by wario100
oh NO by AlliBear2021
Tvjordj znak game 2 by jocaacoj
alphabet jigsaw: B by numberswizard
o ChatGPT me deu essa ideia de jogo by jocaacoj
faça uma linha reta by jocaacoj
Constellation Creator (Featured!) by baris1234
Portuguese Alphabet Cast Singups! by dogisamazing
Can I join? by Zachary13265
Genius Square remix by MathMaybe123
O's New File by numberswizard
500 followers by manthatsannoying
С by jocaacoj
instrumento musical by jocaacoj
Soft Sign's Original File by TWOTHECREATOR
Soft Sign's Original File by LoganMSM
Untitled-2359 by numberswizard
Alphabet Lore cast in vector- REMADE! (Capitals) + more thing by jocaacoj
A by MidoTrain2000
i have a brain by abelaz999
Qshiqwtz Sgkt by 20BIGBOY20
2048 [Remake] by TimMcCool
Alphabet Lore 2048 2.0 by spartagamingplatform
Russian Alphabet Lore 2048 by hi_its_me_iker_bro
J's New File by numberswizard
ABC Dance by Angel45eci
A by HistoriadelAlfabeto
I's new file by numberswizard
TAG by chunkybear2
descobri como que faz esse efeito by jocaacoj
Д Gets Stuck in Traffic + end by jocaacoj
Д Gets Stuck in Traffic remix by qewdesyg
Latin RALR Spritepack [UNFINISHED] fixed by jocaacoj
Latin RALR Spritepack by qewdesyg
Add yourself/your oc singing Screwed by TheFerociousCoder