jb4fred » Favorites (68)
die banana by jb4fred
Fortnite by 5j-essex
Dog Quiz by DoggyLoverForever12
Doge kingdom by jb4fred
Questions... by moose_tonto
Geometry Dash v1.5 by griffpatch
The Scratch Adventure! by mathias1706
Eight Days of Latkes || Complete MAP by LovelyOtter
DaggerToss by DerpDerpImAfish
Jenkins Christmas Special - Scene 9 by Hobson-TV
The Last Draw by -HappyPotato-
why did i make this by jb4fred
Guy's Adventure remix-2 copy by jsh18901
The Scratch Movie remix by jb4fred
★ Windows - Entry - Sing Those Lyrics ★ by potatobear616
Giving the Trick or Treaters Candy by huntedskelly
Don't Click For Your Own Good by DerpAnimation
Qwerty's First Week at School by Dhilly
HappyHaloween by jb4fred
Candy Land by -Cinematic-
OREO SONG - MAP - PART 4 by RaphyMakesAnimations
Untitled-6 by jb4fred
11,000! by Dhilly
2017 Dhilly Awards! by Dhilly
The Scratch Movie [OFFICIAL TRAILER] by Dhilly
ADVERTIZMENT by 999000092500
CATNAPPED!!!! by 999000092500
SUPER CAT by jb4fred
Ghost capture by doGkendy
My Scratch Story- A Five Year Journey by Dhilly
Summer Heat by TNTsquirrel
Hiccups by TNTsquirrel
Traffic Dodge! by jlam09
alen waker the specter by codingboy119
CAT - Results by -HappyPotato-
Every Recess Ever... by -BoyMcBoy-
Mom Isn't Home by TNTsquirrel
Trick Or Treat by DerpAnimation
HAPPIER - ED SHEERAN by 999000092500
Dropping Your Phone by -AnimationWorx-
book of the world by superjimbob
baby shark by peachcat14
BABY SHARK SONG by 999000092500
PUBNITE: Battle Royale by -Cinematic-
cat travels the world by jb4fred
1 followers by jb4fred
da dancing puppy by doGkendy
Talk to the Odd1SOut by DrChampion by DrChampion
Pahuncast EP 3 by Pahunkat
Pizza Song Remix by CorporalGrape13
Neon System by Slouchobunga
run by jb4fred
Testing of the Will by DerpAnimation
Followers by DerpAnimation
Splow's World 3-D Demo by Splow
Gym Class/P.E. by DerpAnimation
Pixel Escape by caleb61802
Noob goes to the Future! by Emoji_games