jarredgamer5 » Favorites (22)
Animation Maker by KryptykProductions
Maze Starter remix by jade80
Sift Heads V1 by Astronauthead
Halo sniping Game by darkweebs
Partially Realistic Sniper Game (update 2) by ScratchLegend101
Block Ninja! >1.5.8 UPDATE< by RotoGamez
TIMER by JoshMan2468
Turtle AMV by elepp
RacerX by jarredgamer5
Cat Race by JoshMan2468
stickman duel by fordrocks
Squokes by JoshMan2468
Rooms: Demo (FULL GAME CONFIRMED) by oromi
Welcome to Scratch! by fmtfmtfmt2
car race game by 2stroke
The Worlds Hardest Game 20 Level!!! hacked by jarredgamer5
carGame by eRKSToCK
warzone 1 by jjgeorge
The Worlds Hardest Game 20 Level!!!(Part2) (世界上最難的遊戲2) by codyd528va45
The Impossible Game by shadowspear1
3D 1st Person Shooter by Breakfast1998
DONT SMOKE!!!!!! by jarredgamer5