jafox01 » Shared Projects (26)
The Other Side CC ~Open~ remix by jafox01
cat doodle by jafox01
Im back! by jafox01
i will be gone for a while by jafox01
Riptide CC remix remix by jafox01
Wolf CC ~OPEN~ Dedicated to ILuvWolves9 remix by jafox01
Blackmoon by jafox01
hollyleaf by jafox01
Red-Tailed-Hawk Name Competition remix by jafox01
Blackfang pack sign up sheet remix remix by jafox01
Pity Party CC ( 300 followers contest!!!) remix by jafox01
Blackfang pack sign up sheet by jafox01
SpiritClan sign up sheet remix remix-2 by jafox01
Greystripe and Silverstream by jafox01
Add Yourself to the Licky Chain! remixxxxxxx remix-2 by jafox01
Believer CC *OPEN* remix by jafox01
Golden Waters Pack RP sign up sheet! remix by jafox01
Blitzfang by jafox01
Prologue by jafox01
sunny by jafox01
Warrior Cats Rp: Littleclan remix by jafox01
amoux by jafox01
BlueMoon Pack RP sign up-Remix this to join! remix by jafox01
angel cat by jafox01
ashtail by jafox01
elemental birds by jafox01