jacobthescratchmaker » Shared Projects (130)
Cacti Juice by jacobthescratchmaker
Scrambled Eggs by jacobthescratchmaker
Slightly Inaccurate Angry Birds v1.2 by jacobthescratchmaker
Death of Crunch by jacobthescratchmaker
SCROLLING by jacobthescratchmaker
click on the dude by jacobthescratchmaker
fun game by jacobthescratchmaker
strange things are happening by jacobthescratchmaker
Character Simulator by jacobthescratchmaker
BF€I 1: eat da plunger by jacobthescratchmaker
am online??? yet again @jacobthescratchmaker by jacobthescratchmaker
Meow2U: Sourness by jacobthescratchmaker
TOMATO SUS by jacobthescratchmaker
ist christ maaaaaaaaase! by jacobthescratchmaker
OmG!!! MUSIC!!!!!!! by jacobthescratchmaker
xbox is dead by jacobthescratchmaker
Goime 25 (DEMO) by jacobthescratchmaker
to DIE for BUTTES! by jacobthescratchmaker
Codemong Us by jacobthescratchmaker
Mario Bone Breaking Simulator by jacobthescratchmaker
FNF but you can do it yourself by jacobthescratchmaker
a mario game (WIP (kinda)) by jacobthescratchmaker
snowy DEATH. by jacobthescratchmaker
BFDI Coiny and Nickel by jacobthescratchmaker
i broke my bros computer by IAmIceQUEEN by jacobthescratchmaker
by jacobthescratchmaker
Spiralizer by jacobthescratchmaker
Uhhh... by jacobthescratchmaker
earth 2! by IAmIceQUEEN by jacobthescratchmaker
CAT DUPLICATOR by jacobthescratchmaker
Make A Burger! by jacobthescratchmaker
Object Vasion: De Episo 6 - "Hunting Season" by jacobthescratchmaker
BFDI intro (butt better!!!!!!) by jacobthescratchmaker
BFDI Official Character Guide by jacobthescratchmaker
BFDI gifs by jacobthescratchmaker
BFDI lip sync test by jacobthescratchmaker
Object Vasion: De Episo 5 - "Real Break-up Love Stories" by jacobthescratchmaker
Object vasion: de episo 4 - "Music GiVEs ME TEars" by jacobthescratchmaker
no woody why by jacobthescratchmaker
p a r t y by jacobthescratchmaker
BFB got RickRoll'D by jacobthescratchmaker
Object vasion: de episo 3 - "Fragile Box" by jacobthescratchmaker
Object vasion: de episo 2 - " Mad butt on" by jacobthescratchmaker
Object vasion: de episo 1 - " the pie" by jacobthescratchmaker
Makit Spin! by jacobthescratchmaker
dice roller by jacobthescratchmaker
emoji art by jacobthescratchmaker
sOOPuh marYO BWazZ by jacobthescratchmaker
EPIC Battles 0: Not What You Would Expect by jacobthescratchmaker
E.P.I.C. Battles Intro by jacobthescratchmaker
puking sim by jacobthescratchmaker
r/mademesmile post by jacobthescratchmaker
legs by jacobthescratchmaker
my homework project by jacobthescratchmaker
BFDI But everything is scratch cat (BFSC) by jacobthescratchmaker
Object Overload then VS. now! by jacobthescratchmaker
BFDI: The Game by jacobthescratchmaker
BFDI adventure testing by jacobthescratchmaker
OFFICIAL Official intro by jacobthescratchmaker
Maze Runner by jacobthescratchmaker
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