jackolima » Favorites (58)
It's a new deal by ffred
jogo de futebol by lsmartins
Octopus DIY by pandasrule4ever
Jogo de Futebol Coderdojo LX #140 by jackolima
Maze Ball by awsomleyblank123
Don't Touch the Spikes by munchkino2020
Unicycle Madness! by Patroach
Air Hockey by boysgirls
How To Draw Linked Hearts (Celtic Knot Style) by KawaiiKitty123
Boxle by AriArk
LOST v1.4 by nickydroids
art curve2 by leszpio
5 minute rainbow thing yo by scratchisthebest
Tripping by KittyNinja54
3D Sine/Cosine Function by JereTheJuggler
Fern IFS by DaMafflesFractalLab
Square-triangle Fractal by DaMafflesFractalLab
koton kande by cat0325
Physik-Ball (v1.1 update) by Lunarian
HIDE v1.3 by -Scratcher-
3D Star Wars 0.9.1-2 by LBMCompany
jogo futebol by jackolima
The Classic Game of Tetris v 2.5 by JBGT
jakanoid by alex_grande
Real Spirograph by LeadToGold
Dog-a-thon Runner v.1.0 by Randomology
Fruit Ninja Scratch'd by flynn2019pw
Aprende e treina as notas by Gorcinhos
Keyboard Ghosting Test by TheLogFather
PartiBlu by happyland440
Boas Festas! (CoderDojo LX #83 - Hour of Code) by MMSequeira
Jogo das Cores by mainardes
-Ethereal- by -Nova-
Spirograph (1-Sprite 1-Script) by wwjd3
FELIZ DE NATAL by jpnopp
Crazy Paint - v1.5 by super_crazy
How many clones can there be? by Penguin9090_new
-D.A.R.K- by easyScratcher
GUMBALL e DARWIN by jpnopp
fractal kaleidoscope2 by leszpio
Natal atrapalhado by jolidog
Make Someone`s Happy Day!!! by cooldude5367
Programming L-Systems with v. 2.0 by icampeao
PONG by jpnopp
Learn Scratch in 10 Minutes by Dadiwiki
Time Shifting by blackturtle
Gauntlet v0.21 by griffpatch
Paper Folding v1.6 by griffpatch
Scratchnapped (A mario style platform game) by griffpatch
Pumpkinator 2000 (Halloween 2014) by NattyB
Wireframe DNA Double Helix by ianrocks
Grow - Scratch Generative Art by jdudedragon
Paper Minecraft v11.7 (Minecraft 2D) by griffpatch
Adamation OS Strawberry by AdamationProducts
Move 1D with your own hands!!!!!! by vickyazul
Bola de Tenis by jackolima