ipwh » Shared Projects (96)
U6_MazeGame_micro_bit_DataGraph by ipwh
U8_Design Pattern_completed by ipwh
U7_DrawShape_Completed_2 by ipwh
U7_DrawShape_Completed by ipwh
U6_Maze Game with Micro_bit_completed by ipwh
U6_Maze Game (Demo) by ipwh
U5_Maze_Supermarket by ipwh
U5_Maze Game template by ipwh
U5_Maze Game (Demo) by ipwh
U4_Space Travelling by ipwh
U3_Storytelling_Sample_Chi by ipwh
U3_Storytelling_Sample by ipwh
U3_Storytelling_Chi by ipwh
U3_Storytelling by ipwh
U2_Under the Sea by ipwh
MazeGamewithMicrobit_Demo remix by ipwh
MazeGamewithMicrobit_Template remix by ipwh
Challenge remix by ipwh
紅綠燈過馬路要小心 remix by ipwh
Secps_抗疫小遊戲Sample remix by ipwh
P.2 Maths & STEM remix by ipwh
茶餐廳_Sample remix by ipwh
4B陳煜昇(01)抗疫小遊戲 (Final) remix by ipwh
Untitled-28 remix by ipwh
迷官遊戲(難版) remix by ipwh
探險記 - 1 remix remix by ipwh
恐龍舞會2 remix by ipwh
迷宮遊戲 remix by ipwh
迷宮 remix by ipwh
抗疫互動遊戲 remix by ipwh
貓捉老鼠 remix by ipwh
piano ( iPad ) easy remix by ipwh
試玩版_第二部分_聖愛德華茶餐廳 remix by ipwh
4E 6 haley happy 20 th anniversary remix by ipwh
healthy and unhealthy---Lucy Lo (3E) 24 OPEN remix by ipwh
許願樹 4B 12 remix by ipwh
4B 4_WISHING TREE remix by ipwh
THE MAZE! by 4B 25 remix by ipwh
創意樂器 remix by ipwh
5B 15 My Happy Summer Holiday remix by ipwh
我的快樂暑假 remix by ipwh
Liu Lap Hang CNY(microbit) remix by ipwh
LiuHeiChing4C(19) HW7 remix by ipwh
Untitled Project by ipwh
4E 7 Chiu Yin Hin remix by ipwh
4E29 Happy 20th Anniversary remix by ipwh
Jump >0< (Final) remix by ipwh
Maze Game with micro:bit (demo) remix by ipwh
drawAsquare by ipwh
Red Light Green Light remix by ipwh
Sample03_StoryTelling_AMermaid remix by ipwh
Sample02_StoryTelling_LookingForLucy remix by ipwh
Sample01_Happy Birthday remix by ipwh
computational art_20211118 by ipwh
Yoyo09oct2021 by ipwh
Factor App_CHI remix by ipwh
DrawAWallPaper remix by ipwh
Mosaic2 remix by ipwh
computational art example remix by ipwh
Computational Art Example for Elementary School remix by ipwh