imu1 » Shared Projects (25)
Bruce the ball 2 into the caves by imu1
Isaac's Assignment- Bruce the ball by imu1
Year 7 FIN071N 100th project by imu1
Deflecter by imu1
20th Project Special by imu1
My Mu by imu1
Snake game by imu1
PINKBALL by imu1
Skull Maze by imu1
The Quiz of Cheese and other stuff by imu1
Ball runner by imu1
Fruit Pong by imu1
Don't Eat Dorritos by imu1
Virtual Pet by imu1
Racing to win by imu1
Apple Pong by imu1
About Me by imu1
Spinning Flower by imu1
Jetpack Ride by imu1
Blue is high Red is low by imu1
Excuse me ADVANCED by imu1
Isaac.Mu. BIG OR small Or Dance? by imu1
Cats rule by imu1
Color change by imu1