imachicken215 » Favorites (58)
Prisoner 348 - Insane Double-Jump Platformer by RJTRJTRJT
Cube OS v 1.0.3 by imachicken215
OPEN Platformer MAP [CLOSED] by okthisisgood
Platformer MAP by okthisisgood and Viperstryke and TwoPointOooh by TwoPointOooh
Super Simple Snake (with word record) by felix224
Cleverbot Scratch'd 3.2 by powerpoint56
Save Dami's Friend! by Jimolix
Super Hungry Cat by 1turboturtle1
No Self Serve by imachicken215
Vending Machine- (Candy) - an animation by nielsdeb3302
What Instrument Are You? - Quiz by 37457
.... by nielsdeb3302
Magic Hatter - A platformer by nielsdeb3302
Plane 3D - a game by CgBB
Kicks by elitenova
Soccer Shooter (easy) by imachicken215
scratch cat by ninjasquirrel82
the portal by ninjasquirrel82
Blaster HD ✭✭✭✭✭ by atomicmagicnumber
Zombie Shootout by warfame
Cloud Karts by Hobson-TV
The Infinity Platformer by -Handle-
Dance by Hobson-TV
Pong by svagebanana
The Paintbrush's Journey by okthisisgood
The Mysterious World of a Platformer by Ambient_Tech
Zombiez v2.4 by thor20056
~ Scratch Day Platformer ~ by redglitter
3D Tearable Cloth Simulation by AiyanMind
Best Phone Simulator EVER!!!!!!! by okthisisgood
Melancholy: A Platformer by imachicken215
Working 1x1x1 Rubik's Cube by Pi_is_amazing
Rotate by ScratchStang
Scratch City by ScratchStang
Pixel Platform part 1 by imachicken215
Sanik's Chaos Crystal Gathering by BayuMan1337
Sprinting by BayuMan1337
Momentum by BayuMan1337
Mii by BayuMan1337
Cash Tycoon by warfame
INVEST - A Game by 476627
Platformer Tutorial v0.12 by griffpatch_tutor
Robot Pong [EASY] by BayuMan1337
game by imachicken215
Rubik's Cube Timer by imachicken215
furby (suprise) by furbydude
Punch by BayuMan1337
Chicken Coup by b00k_w0rm
Walk Program by BayuMan1337
The Annoying Duck by BayuMan1337
chicken by imachicken215
Cheaken by BayuMan1337
TILT- A Platformer by 1dat_doodles
Apple Catch by BayuMan1337
Battle Of The Famous Cat (Sign Ups) remix by imachicken215
Uncrackable message by imachicken215
Rubik's Cube Timer by peppermintpatty5
The Hacker by --Waterfall--