iheartlegos123 » Favorites (17)
Make Your Own Oreos! by ProfessorMaddog
Block Art by svpanda
minecraft 2-D v1.2.1 by cody11197
my first (very intense) animation by cody11197
football game by cody11197
swirly helicopter by cody11197
Scratch Mini Games by Ellesong
ghosty video by iheartlegos123
School in a nutshell ghosty by cody11197
minecraft songs by cody11197
CRAZY ENDER DRAGON!!!! by Oblivion-7
Grow your own tree! by coder127
Hidden Pictures by Chocolately
very intense things on the moon by iheartlegos123
Simple Game Programming v.1.0 by schodge7
collect the dog bone!!!! by iheartlegos123
tour of the castle by cody11197