hpierre3 » Shared Projects (25)
THE RAINBOW DOGS by hpierre3
Cartoon Network HoC 2020 by hpierre3
super scratch bros ANIMATIONS TEST remix by hpierre3
SPIROGRAPH by hpierre3
SPRITE STAMPER by hpierre3
George's Great Adventure V.4.7 (FINAL) FORTNITE by hpierre3
Apple Platformer 2 by hpierre3
Soku by hpierre3
3 Leveled MAZE remix by hpierre3
shooting star remix by hpierre3
MEGA PINWHEEL by hpierre3
SOUND BITES by hpierre3
Events and actions in scratch by hpierre3
Kitty and Unicorn Friends! key move & fly 11-20-18 remix by hpierre3
costume dialogue CLONE FACING,1-29-2019 by hpierre3
XY grid, 01-15-19 by hpierre3
SEGA, 01-08-19 by hpierre3
MINECRAFT, 12-18-2018 by hpierre3
COMIC,12-11-2018 by hpierre3
1. CHANGE COLOR 11-20-18 by hpierre3
move to the beat 11-20-18 by hpierre3
COIOR CLONES 11-27-2018 by hpierre3
AWSONE,12-3-2018 by hpierre3
COOL, talent box say sometyhing, 12-3-18 by hpierre3
CRAZY,12-3-2018 by hpierre3