haseling5 » Favorites (29)
Scratchybot (A Scratch version of Cleverbot) by AbelAsing
add yourself battling Discord! by rainbowraritygamzee
RAINBOW DASH'S DAD!!!!! by bloodywolf
It's not on. Its not off. Its not Fanta. ITS ZOE'S ULTIMATE SEIZURE TRICK! by gracejacques340
Add Yourself Digging a Hole!!! by gracejacques340
i heart mlp fim by haseling5
3 of my favorite MLP songs by Lyra_Heartstrings
Ask Rainbow Dash! by Ask-Rainbow-Dash
Ask Princess Luna 1 by bloodywolf
MLP-RE test animation by bloodywolf
Happy Nightmare Night! by bloodywolf
3 funny mlp pics by flyingmonkeyfeet
My Little Pony Game: By the way... it's magic by BrockTheBrick
There goes the fourth wall... by Jaiciana
Who's YOUR favorite pony by Jaiciana
The video game part 1 by maximanz
Minecraft Revenge AMV (DOWNLOAD) by maximanz
Minecraft scrolling game by NorthMarinScratch
dance with kirby by pinky9123
kirby's peanut butter jelly time by pinky9123
pacman song by pinky9123
dance with pikachu by pinky9123
Kirby's newest adventers teaser trailer by pinky9123
Entry for AMV Witch Doctor Contest! by TeddieWuv
cyborg cat 2 by haseling5
mario by haseling5
Is kirby an insturment? by pinky9123
zombie apocalipes by haseling5
NYAN CAT by Keani