Scratcher Joined 6 years, 9 months ago United Kingdom
About me
What I'm working on
I've been dusting off some old unfinished projects seemingly lost to the mists of the "My Stuff" page.
There's a new project that I'm releasing very soon!
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (28)
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Hidden In the Woods by h10000
Pancake Pan (A Mobile Friendly Challenge) by h10000
Robot Workshop (Alpha 1) by h10000
Rover - A Platformer (Unfinished) by h10000
Zevo DMC Entry by h10000
aBoot (Meme) by h10000
Landscape Generator by h10000
Harvest's Eve - A Parallax by h10000
Color Wars! | Entry: Boat On The Sea by h10000
SMM2 Background Character Audition by h10000
Thin Ice [DEMO] by h10000
Bottled Milk by h10000
Dodge the Rocks by h10000
Lump of Sugar by h10000
Extending Maze by h10000
Za-Chary's Art Contest Entry by h10000
The Art Lab by h10000
Light Bulb Simulator by h10000
Wait. by h10000
Favorite Projects
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☁ MosChess v1.2 (online chess / chess online) by SpartanDav
Mini Golf by awesome-llama
Summer Soda: Carnival Minigames // #games by babe_ri400
Project iiMpossible (Wii) Test Release by kennaminecraftz
Twordle V1.4 by --CHA0S--
Detective Doggy v1.0 by MushroomCodes
Leap Worm by Neon_Sphere
Climberman by kevin_eleven_1234
✈ Paper AirPlane | #games #all by aspectsvg
Flappy Hippo by Castle_Hippopotamus
Roots But Better by Turquioii
Juggle (100% Pen) by bossgta
Hop Frenzy | #games #all by Riddle_5
The tower PGMA R2 by clock189
-Legend of the Stick- by Player-64
Cosmic Skip | #games #trending by David_783576
Downtown [Art] by Lunox5
---Choco-Jam--- by -Mr-Mustachio-
Shooter v0.1 by ZonxScratch
Studios I'm Following
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Collab poem 7: journeys
Scratch coding Community!! (official studio)
Collab poem 5!
Collab poem #4!
Collaborative poem #3!!
Collaborative poem #2
No rules (community guidelines are followed)
The Queen Trials | Official Studio
nEkO fOrEvEr (and skeet too)
Outbreak : Beta
ProbabIy_Not A Fan Club
1000652's Followers and Fans
Funny Clips
✿ Nature ✿
Chocolate 2 Art Desingers Open
⭐Toadfan's Followers and Fans⭐ (Official)
|| Original Writing Pieces ||
Fantastic Foods
Tacos Projects
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