gvaustinm65925 » Favorites (784)
pls dont touch by -YellowHead-
Pass the necklace!!! by TurboKitten
Pass the necklace!!! by -YellowHead-
The Floating Shopping List by -YellowHead-
Keep Clicking on YellowHead by BullRusterXxl15
School Starts Tomorrow by BullRusterXxl15
The Song by BullRusterXxl15
Toad House terror 2 by Cambob12
people running from a GIGANTIC awesome face!! by theultimateguy02
Imma Crazy Weirdo AMV by theultimateguy02
scratch cat's adventure by gvaustinm65925
Dumb times with Luigi Mario part 2 in a air by bretts_scratch
Luigi Mario gets a Speeding Ticket (Joke) by SonicSpecialHGaming
when voice acting goes awry by speechU8
When People WAA too much by waaaa24
Add Yourself having a nightmare about being blocked by waaaa24
Super Wahoo Bros 1.5 by sonicjeremy
Waluigi's Final Smash ( better ) by waaaa24
LOOK, I'M WALUIGI! by waaaa24
19 second animation by waaaa24
Quitting just like the others by waaaa24
Hold Your Horses by Hobson-TV
Hold Your Yoshis by waaaa24
Waluigi's Final Smash by Alzter
Super Mario Maker in a nutshell by Alzter
Scratch 8-bit Mario Castle Calamity - first entry by Avian42
It's OVER 9000!( And almos to 2,000,000!!) by Osyris
It's Over 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by Speedy_the_Hedgehog
IT'S OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by TheDudeZoneTV
Well like they say in Brooklyn by locopenguin
its over 9000!!!! by dingdong
It's over 9000 REMIX by nerdman
Goats Milk by TrapHD
Every Time i Get a Message by sealzrevenge
A Sad Tale About a Bird and a Man... by WazzoTV
Very Hot mess up by TheGreatestTim
Very Hot Corruption by ziadsonic54321
IT'S A ME, MARIO! girl verson and creepy versonn by FriskDreemurr101
Classic Mario Sounds 2 by BobbyF
Pokemon Are Crazy! by Ludomations
Super Luigi Bloopers 2 - By Junior64570 by Junior64570
Tiny Violin by lobie5
What if Minecraft was owned by Philips CDI? by lobie5
A horrible excuse for a project (Collab) by lobie5
....Because I Was Bored. remix by gvaustinm65925
....Because I Was Bored. by scratchU8
How NOT to get Luigi in Super Mario 64 by scratchU8
Mario having a Seizure by bunny217
asdfscratch6 - asdfmovie6 scratchitized by comp09
asdfscratch3 - asdfmovie scratchitized by comp09
asdfscratch2 - asdfmovie2 scratchitized by comp09
asdfscratch - asdfmovie scratchitized by comp09
my name's TOAD by KenzieMoonBunny
GO EAT URSELF. by SpriteMaster
Bloopers by KoffingKid9000
It's Raining Cows Outside! by scratchU8
Add yourself having a seizure with scratchu8! (gene_bernardino11) [JONATHAN1320] by JONATHAN1320
Jokes 2 remix by gvaustinm65925
Add more pikachus to the pikachu army!!!!!!!!!! by Purple_Kitty_Meow
Evilness by theultimateguy02