godzilladude3134 » Favorites (81)
HistoryTale - COLOR Skull the Skeleton [GENO] by JakeDaKnight123
Play the Ocarina Songs from Zelda! V.7 by thejuki
The Legend Of Zelda | FanMade by Burnout5858
Legend of Zelda: Scratch by jacx
V.s. Giratina Remix! (Bass and Drum Edition) by godzilladude3134
Imagiland Jukebox 2 Trailer! by godzilladude3134
Undertale OST- Mogolovonio by Randall_Krueger73
SONIC XTREME by tomicool
Car Chase by PutneyCat
Trumpet simulator by zxz1661
POKéMON Scene Creator v.8 by oskie
I'm Back! by godzilladude3134
Voltz by MegaByteCorporations
Bottle Flip by Will_Wam
My New Intro! by godzilladude3134
~Mess up mine and other people's stuff~ by Darkdragonlight1115
Kylo Ren by thoyal
Update-3 by AkheelEpic
Music ♩♫♩♪ by -Musicalypso-
Logo for godzilladude3134 by logos204
**UNFINISHED** Demo: COMATOSE *New* by LightningBoltGames
Scratch: Story Mode | Trailer by -Cinematic-
Beautiful Girl! by FuzzFerretTM
how would you draw me? :D by chocolateman201
i couldn't resist ;-; by ToastTV
Lieutenant Uhura from Star Trek by beepcat
Pokemon Battle test scratch by J42
Pokemon Battle Test 2: Clash of Legends! by J42
DrawMelon by Cyzynski
Feature Presentation by ZubStudios
(Not) Street Fighters (One Player) by Cyzynski
~I'm The Bad Guy~ CC (Open) remix by Animals_24
Evil Vs Good Stella by zebbyz
How Would You Draw Me? remix by Animals_24
How Would You Draw Me? remix by zebbyz
Spongebob Out of Water by Nerd_Cat
Best Friends CC *OPEN* remix by godzilladude3134 by godzilladude3134
Imagiland:Ep 1: A Begining (SCRAPED) by godzilladude3134
HAVIN' A GOOD TIMEE (1000 follower special) by jacko1234567
play with my dog by kcmario
Scratch Radio Show: How To Clone a Sprite by 22goalieawesomeness
Scratch Podcast Episode 1 by 22goalieawesomeness
spongebob poop pants intro by kcmario
The Dragon Quiz by DragonWizard29
Bacon Apocalypse by green_archer
Random-Land 5 by Hobson-TV
Midi Mashup by TehPootisMann
ScratchDeck™ PvP v1.2 [SERVER #1] by Elephantous
Spongebob SquarePants Intro by kcmario
France.. by ProcessingUser
Ice Cream Designer by Epic_Vortex
Scratchnapped (A mario style platform game) by griffpatch
spongebob animation pixelated by kcmario
How Would You Draw Me? by godzilladude3134
Shakespearean Insult Generator by HappyLoIIipop
Hold Your Horses by Hobson-TV
I'm Still Alive by SmileyFace72
Raimbow Animation! v 1.2 by enspcds
3 Awesome Things to do for Summer! by bear123bear456
Mix-Match by Hobson-TV