godzillabro123 » Favorites (1342)
Hill Climb Racing v1.0 by griffpatch
Squidward's Ride To Freedom by jdfr03
A Pokemon Card Battle by jdfr03
Potato by -Drizzle-
Potato Simulator by awesome_guy6856
Couch-Potato simulator by derpymcderp33
What Citrus are You? II Quiz by laymonade
Technology Store *Alpha 1.1* by MegaComedyCentral
The Past Reborn- B1- prologue (READ NOTES) by Silvershimmer43
Barbecue ! by Gasimini
IT'S OVER 9000! [changed] by godzillabro123
griffpatch in a nutshell by MaggZAttaggZ
deleting scratch (WIP) by godzillabro123
follow4follow by SPARKLEY11
Ninja Training by BlueNinjaStickman
Flappy Bird In A NutShell by RobloxSuperKoolAid
Flappy Bird In A Nutshell! by bear123bear456
Flappy Goku by pikachu210
Vegeta vs Trunks(Father vs Son) Scene Creator by supersaiyanvegeta10
FSSJ Goku and SSJ God Vegeta Sprites by supersaiyanvegeta10
Power level finder---See this project to find your P by SiddKidd
power level calculator by TeslaBolt
Dbz Fusion Name & Power Level Calculator by TeslaBolt
I'm a Pickle, Mikey! | Ron and Mikey by Brandoodle
Puppet Show by Pickledorf
Pokemon Scene creator by Leothedgehog
IT'S OVER 90000000000000000000000000000000000000000 lol by mipsthecat
IT'S OVER 9000! (Sparta Remix) by unknownthingamabob
ITS OVER 9000!! by Szone
Dat Boi Song! MLG (V.15) by J_k_
Scratch Memes! by ScratchStang
Fire by -Edges-
First triple fuse by LadyC64
Pokemon Evolution by AlanbrossRises
Pokemon Evolution remix by coolcowguy
pokemon battle by pixelated_greninja5
Beyblade Creator 0.1 by findingnemo25
Beyblade Scratch Style by cs572108
Beyblade by dvaldo59
bayblade by quinndoyle
School Computers in a nutshell by miles854
Overreactive by GreenNeon
Cat Animations Volume 1 by FootballRT7
101 Funny Cat Pictures! by DIrons
duplicating bodies/battle by godzillabro123
Add yourself running from King Bill! remix by max_vader
The DERP Show: Do the SHOOP by MarkiMau5
Deluxe Eating Simulator by JumboFoodFace
Roblox Noob kills hiself for a free robux trick by RO777
Sad Violin by ChocoKing24
The Plant- a short story regarding self esteem by charlotteepic
Whack-a-Gobo by mres
Pokemon in a Nutshell. by Fuzzy_Pickles
scratch ssj by godzillabro123
Sumdog or Scratch? by Diamond-Redstone
super saiyan scratch cat by Jojo11234566
CLOSED Give Scratch A Style Contest! SSJ Scratch cat by joly55
Trends In A Nutshell by Shwip
What Adults Think of Kids by Dhilly