Scratcher Joined 1 year, 8 months ago United States
About me
Machine, I will cut you down. Break you apart. Splay the gore of your profane form across the STARS!
What I'm working on
I will grind you down until the very SPARKS CRY FOR MERCY! My hands shall RELISH ending you, HERE AND NOW!
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (40)
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gauntlet creator by gd26_throwaway
backpack sprite transfers by gd26_throwaway
*stares in dc-15* by gd26_throwaway
magnificent, aren't they? by gd26_throwaway
we make our own decisions. and we have to live with them too. by gd26_throwaway
... by gd26_throwaway
no one really knows you. but we know. by gd26_throwaway
rev's dark deeds by gd26_throwaway
phew- by gd26_throwaway
poorly drawing places that mean things to me: zeppelin station by gd26_throwaway
gimme gimme gimme (pretty please) by gd26_throwaway
hehehe f-35 go brrrr by gd26_throwaway
"I was a little like... like damn." -lebron james by gd26_throwaway
Pov: you hold their hand: by gd26_throwaway
insert happy sounds. by gd26_throwaway
weoew another meem by gd26_throwaway
huh. by gd26_throwaway
clone/mandalorian oc template! by gd26_throwaway
the crew has something to tell you. by gd26_throwaway
time to answer some kveschuns. by gd26_throwaway
Favorite Projects
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death by supernicholas3113
sisyphus by Bean_man08
-updated ig lol- by -hihello-
FINISHED! Wake Up & It's Over - Full Album Cover by jessepinkman001
-when someone's heart sings a song- by -hihello-
The Perfect Girl - Animation Meme by ooeeo
Untitled by ooeeo
Fuzzy songs by ooeeo
Circle illusion by scratch99911
-dtae- by -hihello-
Studios I'm Following
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