fwu » Studios I Curate (194)
Dance Party G6
Q3 2024-25 Scratch Debug
Virtual Pet G8
Reset a Model G6
Dance Party G8
Visiting XY-Grid Corners G6
Reset a Model G8
Word Animation G6
XY-Grid Corners G8
Letter Animation G8
Tinker G6
Tinker G8
G6B Q4 exam
G6A Q4 exam
Layer Control 6B
Layer Control 6A
Sound Party 6B
Starfish Choir 6A
Starfish Choir 6B
Water Droplet Vector Animation
Water droplet vector animation
Q3 Exam 2023-24 G6A
Q3 Exam 2023-24
Dance Party G6A
Dance Party G6B
Model with Reset G6A
Model with Reset
X Y Grid Exploration
X Y Grid Exploration
Name Animation
Animate a Name
G6 Q4 exam
Layer Control 2022
StarFish Choir
Vector Animation - water sipping
Vector Animation - water droplet
Q3 Exam 2021-22
Sprite Animation with Effects
Sprite Drawing Animation
Virtual Pet with Broadcast
Dance Party with Broadcast
Reset with models
G5 Trick or Treat
Word Animation
G6 Q4 Exam
G6 Layer Control
G6 Music Video
G6 Sound Party
G6 StarFish Choir
G6 Vector Animation B
Q3 exam 2020-21
G6 Animate a sprite w/ effects
G6 Draw and animate sprites
G4 On the Farm
G6 Virtual Pet
G5 Amazing Mazes
G6 Dance Party
G6 Dress-Up Game