friy1 » Favorites (13)
Luca danger intro by friy1
Level Legend [Game] by RacingAce
Ball Runner 3D! ✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪ Mobile friendly 3D running platformer! by atomicmagicnumber
Adventurous - A Platformer by DefenderOfTheMask
Me as all the Avengers by DJAnimator
Kids With Candy (SharkyShar Entry) by DJAnimator
All kids know is... by DJAnimator
Platformer Creator by 0014049
you want music by friy1
Famous Scratchers opinions on Fanart by JoeyDoggieRat
Shooting game (Survival Mode) by 24yuwenrui
Miner Cat 3 - the return of the cat by Coltroc
1k Be Like... by -PhantomAnimations-