ferraleo » Favorites (60)
Knockmallow - Starry Plains by BlueStick22
Magical Sanctum but cursed a little by LoganMSM
vote by LoganMSM
hyperangle2- Meme Island Scratched (Animated) by ferraleo
Make a Snow-B.O.B. (6) by GavinGames2013
at the barber shop by byrmitgodzilla
sam chai by ferraleo
Le Viking S.A.M.B. is here remix-2 by ferraleo
Collab with Baby Scratcher1049 1 by ThegiftedSpicyBee
Collab with Baby Scratcher1049 also say hi ghazt by ferraleo
abomination i made by CartoonKitKat
Ultimate Bear Vector Pack (WIP) made rubber hose ed by ferraleo
sorry i cant deletepress= for my custom key by ferraleo
amogus sprites give creditv2 by ferraleo
caleb fnf test by Clbbb2
i did one by ferraleo
Among Us Template by codehaven
POV: 100101titanic made a horrendous vector and 3 people screaming in pain by Clbbb2
Baldi's Mystery Jar template by hudmaceachern
the siren head by Clbbb2
H.H. Gregg Radio #1: Doin It Right by BaconHairAiden2010
(AY) in the bad ending screen that im going to add to a game gore warning by ferraleo
Alicrittre & ScareCritter if I designed them by MetroidFan15
2378dbh8q97r4879 by carter2210
Le Viking S.A.M.B. is here by FnafTesterNotReal
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) by Pika_Kitty2
Synesthesia - A Text Platformer by -frostyiceprincess-
Car Island REBUILT: Single Elementals (ft. Chefrhino11) by CARTOONPFP222111
Scratch Camp: Scratch block art by Fupicat
Find the black dot in the city by DalekClaraDoctor
Secret Block by McTheAnimator
Ball gravity maze by OLFCS614
Mistopolis - Full Song by Lonrad
Sit Down in a chair island update 1 by bubtheshrubb
Notebook | Platformer #Games by Animal_SupernoVA
BFDI Assets in Vector remix by ferraleo
J.A.C.K.O. F. R. E. D. Skin submissions remix by ferraleo
more brushy (prob last proj before 2021) by esuwantoro
The Green Dog (1) by notasinglething
if i competed in troc5 v2 by mariokid2010
sb saying hi by ferraleo
accpeted by Clbbb2
maze cool thing if u make level give credit and do the same if remix by ferraleo
Creature Feature Remix™ 1.25 by 997664530
MEME ANIMATION remix by ferraleo
Donut reacts to Burger King Foot Lettuce. (BFB) by petefanboy63
malbear by zvardin
MEME ANIMATION #Animations by Clbbb2
we are done.. END OF COLLAB by sansrealgun
Fanmade Malbear Voice Lines by Enderboygamer
SC BEAR RP by 190054
thumnail i had to cheat by using squares to make red part and i copyed and pastethe white parts by ferraleo
hacked blocks credit who got methesss by ferraleo
fix by Clbbb2
R.I.P the cat blocks but i made the rain better by ferraleo
R.I.P the cat blocks by Doomsday_the_3rd
MEET THE IMPOSTOR PT 2 by Gabeations
henry 3d by ferraleo
Bear Vector V4 remix by ferraleo
what bfdi charcter are you! by ferraleo