evafun34 » Favorites (36)
Color Switch - Autumn by ClassicRedJacket
How I Got All My Candy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) by -BoyMcBoy-
World Cup Paintball Final by bear1005
The Duck Song by DerpAnimation
Do The Dot by codingpro23
mooving button by codingpro23
Marshall (a platform game) by WithOnions
locked Away (Platform Game) by codingpro23
stop animal cruelty! remix by hanste85807
falcon flyer by chrdoa
HYDRA-BOUNCE by evafun34
Dancing character! by:hanste85807 by hanste85807
Koi Pond by Mr-Mathmatical
For unicorns ONLY!!!!!!!! by gramca64812
White Water by AgentFransidium
this is me! by hanste85807
This IS The Real Me (I Should Know) by gramca64812
All Star - Completed MAP by -AxeI-
Scratch World Animation by violet_raven
P.E.S by evafun34
Crossy Road Scratch Version by hanste85807
PET CARE 101 by hanste85807
Cake Creator by hanste85807
- Dog Creator remix by hanste85807
Cupcake Creator! by gramca64812
Kitty CATastrophy! by hanste85807
Dress the potato by matsmith04
Valentines Magic by hanste85807
TACO- RUN by evafun34
Self Playing Piano by evafun34
#nyanCat by evafun34
Spooky Run by shyladiamond2020
mr. kitty is sick by evafun34
SQUIRREL CLICKER by gramca64812
#TENNIS CATCHER ;3 by evafun34