Scratcher Joined 4 years, 10 months ago Brazil
About me
Hi! This is my account!
I'm a Brazilian girl and I love the Scratch! I like to play piano, sing, paint, draw, make games and animations, play tennis, play volley and I love study History!
What I'm working on
In a game named Splash!
Note: sometimes I follow my followers because I like their projects, but I don't do F4F.
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (20)
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||~~Art~~|| by ertyyuio
|| Já olhou para alguém e pensou: o que passa na cabeça dela? || by ertyyuio
|| The last cookie || by ertyyuio
======== ||-Minha Intro-|| ======== by ertyyuio
Remixe você saindo na foto! #remix remix by ertyyuio
Rudolph - O pet virtual / GameJam2021PT by ertyyuio
~~~~The_Airplane_Game~~~~#GameJamBR2122 by ertyyuio
Vagas para ajudantes da NOVA SÉRIE! | #All #Animation remix by ertyyuio
Hey Bully STOP it!!! remix remix remix remix remix by ertyyuio
Paint no Scratch by ertyyuio
Me Adicionei!!! ertyyuio by ertyyuio
#AnimaJam2021 by ertyyuio
Feliz Natal e um Ótimo 2022! by ertyyuio
Pinball by ertyyuio
Lontrinha Estúdios by ertyyuio
Feliz Halloween! by ertyyuio
#JuntosContraOCoronaVírus by ertyyuio
Feliz Natal e um ótimo 2021 by ertyyuio
Feliz Páscoa! by ertyyuio
Pet virtual: Cokie, seu cachorrinho! by ertyyuio
Favorite Projects
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Gervásio, o Amendoim em: Momento Gamer by eutenhotresanos
[CHIMIA JAM 2022] Emoções Máscaradas by Rainzito
|•|You can stay...|•| by -Lili-Flower-
|•|Middle of the night|•| by -Lili-Flower-
|•|Pela estrada á fora...|•| by -Lili-Flower-
|•|''Oh,that's awesome''|•| by -Lili-Flower-
Solidarity with Ukraine <3 by ceebee
How To Get More Fonts In Scratch! by -RobloxAnimationsAlt
|•|Eu já deitei no seu sorriso|•| by -Lili-Flower-
When a Famous Scratcher shares a Project... | Animation | #Animations #Stories #Trending #All by madrid2030
Rebequinha a Batatinha- Países by francisco10-3
`Pen Motion Art by Hello3Rules
Katie van Zundert by Menkie8
Alchemy by Pitaa009_310
Rafflesia Arnoldii ( educational facts ) by -color-palette-
Esquadrão Gatos: especial de natal by henrick9
Esquadrão Gatos: o Congelado by henrick9
Esquadrão Gatos: assombradolândia by henrick9
Esquadrão Gatos: o gnomo assassino by henrick9
... by ScaIessz
Studios I'm Following
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Fliperama Scratch
GameJam - 2021/2022
AnimaJam 2021 - Comunidade BR e PT Ativa!
Eu devo voltar a usar Scratch?
- Projects!!! - Scratch
Estúdio aleatório ;-;
Comunidade BR e PT Ativa!
A.B.P.S-Associação BR e PT de Scratchers ✌
Non Popular Projects
How much Curators can we get!
Science Lovers of Scratch!
Programação Criativa
coder_d6 follower friends
estudio 1, 2, 3
Estúdio fofooo
Yadaa How To
Studios I Curate
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Brawl Stars
Fliperama Scratch
AnimaJam 2021 - Comunidade BR e PT Ativa!
(FECHADO) Vagas para ajudantes da NOVA SÉRIE!
Qualquer um pode ser curador deste estúdio!
Eu devo voltar a usar Scratch?
Estúdio aleatório ;-;
A.B.P.S-Associação BR e PT de Scratchers ✌
Comunidade BR e PT Ativa!
How much Curators can we get!
Estúdio fofooo
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