enzo3456 » Favorites (66)
error sans fight by nikokumb
Red&Blue by ADIADI11
My Scratch Story- A Five Year Journey by Dhilly
Super Scratch Party v1.3_02 by akinyemi08
Animate a Name Platformer v0.4b by griffpatch
NOSTALGIA by MusicManJoe
Why I Left Scratch by MusicManJoe
projects. by ColorSync
usually favorite by ColorSync
that I don't by ColorSync
it's ok by ColorSync
I hope by ColorSync
That's my cookie! by GorrilaGuy101
Nunya sings Megalovania by cs1323620
The Gem Dealers by Dhilly
new thing by quacc666
important notice by xXNunyaXx
Live stream: now closed by Phantom325
super smash bros mario edition by yobasket
Scratch Memes! by ScratchStang
Life is Fun! [MEME] by xXNunyaXx
Scratch Phone | Version 2.0 |❤| by carolinejia
List Platformer by hidas
Symmetrical Cats with weird ears by avatar_aang_123
Symetrical Art Maker by Neutronz
Super mario oddesy by Catwhite
FACE SWAP: Ceebee and Scartch Cart by -BestScratcherEVER-
Issue 7 - Fame Edition by Scratch-Minion
☆ Number Guesser ☆ by -Luminescence-
The scratch movie 2 by MLG_PROSTER123
Undertale: DS battle engine by alexparr
Undertale: battle engine by SteveTheNarwhal
Scratch Cat Undertale Battle by -Silomi-
eggz by xXNunyaXx
Roblox by erosbaldacini2
scratchdfmovie thing by xXNunyaXx
omnitrix simulator 1.0 by erosbaldacini2
nintendo by enzo3456
Timmy the Stupid Soldier Ep. 1 by AresCosmicPharoah98
What Teachers See by DerpAnimation
I'm early, just like everyone else by xXNunyaXx
You Matter! by DerpAnimation
Posin' M.A.P. (Part no. 6) by Splow
Random-Land 4 by Hobson-TV
scAry cat chasety by MarkandWife
Pixel Platformer by JustinianK
MAZE 2 by bradfmic001
The Derp Face #2 by Stinkaling
Why I Hate School by TNTsquirrel
i don't know what dio thinks of pucci really by PC-98Reimu
Voice Reveal by plantsvszombies3456
Dhill-E by Dhilly
Pikachu! [Meme] Onesies Edition by xXNunyaXx
The reason why you should never rate a Newgrounds project under 3 by Jakelsm
F I L E ⍟ by Gravity-
P R O by Gravity-
M Y by Gravity-
T O by Gravity-
⍟ W E L C O M E by Gravity-
When Griffpatch UNfollows you - animation by jromagnoli