Scratcher Joined 5 years, 4 months ago Australia
About me
I am intelligent.
I can code in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, C++, C# and Java (a bit), and I am trying to learn more.
I want to be an Electronic Engineer when I grow up and I am working towards it.
What I'm working on
This project over here ------------------------------------->
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (40)
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Whack-a-bomb - A whacking game a bit like Knife Hit by electronics64
Keep on Bouncing by electronics64
Press Start - a platformer game by electronics64
Planet Shooty - A space shooting game by electronics64
Roblox Obby + Drawings by electronics64
Translator Roulette on Scratch - v0.1.0 by electronics64
Get Cholesterol by electronics64
Space Blocks v16 Really Really Really Easy Mode by electronics64
Stuck in space (Episode 1) ? Crazy Voices by electronics64
Play with my cat by electronics64
Supermarket Dispenser by electronics64
Miner Cat 3 | Peaceful Mode by electronics64
A Mirror by electronics64
Nothing by electronics64
Click The Button by electronics64
Guess where the apple will be... by electronics64
3D Program that ACTUALLY WORKS for ONCE!!! (Uses 3Dot™) by electronics64
3D Tunnel - Use this then credit me @electronics64 by electronics64
Cross Hatching 3D Technique by electronics64
Griffpatch Smacked Me?? by electronics64
Favorite Projects
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The Blade and Shield - A platformer by EGNefarious
Booplesnoot V4!!!! by EGNefarious
Whack-a-bomb - A whacking game a bit like Knife Hit by electronics64
Get Cholesterol by electronics64
Press Start - a platformer game by electronics64
Miner Cat 2 by Coltroc
Roblox Obby + Drawings by electronics64
The Roblox Obby In Scratch (Version 2) by _Teh_
Translator Roulette on Scratch - v0.1.0 by electronics64
Space Blocks v16 Really Really Really Easy Mode by electronics64
Cat always moves away from block by puzzlingGGG
make a core by puzzlingGGG
Stuck in space (Episode 1) ? Crazy Voices by electronics64
Stuck in space (Episode 1 (loop)) by puzzlingGGG
Among Us movie intro final result by iceler21
Supermarket Dispenser by electronics64
Miner Cat 3 | Peaceful Mode by electronics64
Miner Cat 3 - the return of the cat by Coltroc
Catch the Dinosaur Egg by blood-reaper
A Mirror by electronics64
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