dnikolos » Shared Projects (231)
Guessing game by dnikolos
Dance Chimes Μουσικά πλακάκια by dnikolos
Tramboline by dnikolos
Eat the donuts! Camera on! by dnikolos
From seconds to hours of gameplay by dnikolos
Underwater by dnikolos
From seconds to hours of gameplay by dnikolos
Σας αρέσει το Scratch; by dnikolos
Γενέθλια by dnikolos
Το πρώτο μου έργ by dnikolos
Piano to notes by dnikolos
The primenuum by dnikolos
Fun with Klauber Triangle by dnikolos
Klauber Triangle by dnikolos
Two solutions of the quadratic by dnikolos
Ulam spiral reversed by dnikolos
hash function by dnikolos
Largest purple square by dnikolos
Stories by dnikolos
Merry Christmas by dnikolos
Καλά Χριστούγεννα by dnikolos
In the snow by dnikolos
Direction equals color effect by dnikolos
Project Collatz sequnces on Ulam Spiral by dnikolos
Faster Image Scanning Test by dnikolos
Image Scanning Test remix by dnikolos
Συλλαβισμός by dnikolos
Scaled move to fit by dnikolos
Social isolation perfectures by dnikolos
Press G to reconstruct Greece by dnikolos
Synchronous fireflies photo by dnikolos
Eratosthenes' sieve by dnikolos
The rendezvous problem by dnikolos
Can you solve it? Self reference bars by dnikolos
Stradella accordion bass system by dnikolos
Scratch Piano remix by dnikolos
Mind reading by dnikolos
Colorful Sacks Spiral for Collatz numbers colored by numbers of ones in binary representation by dnikolos
Ulam spiral but with Collatz max number coloring by dnikolos
Colorful Sacks Spiral for Collatz numbers by dnikolos
Project Collatz sequnces on Ulam Spiral by dnikolos
circular queue by dnikolos
Type game by dnikolos
Microbit can read your mind by dnikolos
Trains by dnikolos
Μέτρηση αντικειμένων by dnikolos
Microbit Images from Micropython by dnikolos
Guess the movie by dnikolos
Draw on your microbit by dnikolos
AP MoveAndTurn microbit by dnikolos
Solve my maths 15 by dnikolos
Solve my maths 11 by dnikolos
Solve my maths 9 by dnikolos
Solve my maths 7 by dnikolos
I'm a mathematician, get me out of here! by dnikolos
Spreadsheet Idea 2 by dnikolos
Spreadsheet Idea 1 by dnikolos
laundromat by dnikolos
ομοιόσταση by dnikolos
BBC Micro:bit composer by dnikolos