Scratcher Joined 9 years ago United States
About me
I'm a guy who just likes to make new things out of imagination. I usually work on these projects like about... at least once a week. It's really cool to make new things in witch I desire with you guys
What I'm working on
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Favorite Projects
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Jz by cs633407
Eat.io by Incro
Kingdom Hearts by cs633407
gunblood by ninhogg
Forever by cs633407
Kingdom Hearts-Dearly Beloved by Disney_Lover
Clash Royale Chest by Joshia_T
How scary Five nights of Freddy is. by Kid257
Try not to smile!!! by DaffyandMaude322
Try not to laugh/grin/smile challenge by carmenchu
singing in the shower by fungirlforlife
Mario Pong by JackFrost_Plays
The Ninja 3 by Will_Wam
Intro to Art Starter Project remix-2 by cs633507
anthony solis baseball by cs633377
Geometry Dash v1.5 by griffpatch
24 K MAGIC by tflill99
wip and nae nae by neelsodhi
Kingdom Hearts Ends of Echoes 1/2 by itachijae
Harry and Ginny love song by Blessing06
Studios I'm Following
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Anything! :D
Debate society - NEW WEEK
By the community, for the community
DW and Assassins studio
Eminem club
Scratch Welcoming Committee!
The Ultimate Kingdom Hearts Fan Studio
Kingdom hearts fan club!
The Final Fantasy and Kingdom hearts series fan club
Kingdom Hearts Fanclub!
Kingdom Hearts Roleplay
Kingdom Hearts Fans Unite!
Kingdom hearts RPG
Kingdom Hearts RPG
The Kingdom Hearts club
Kingdom Hearts-Going Backwards
Kingdom Hearts Studio
Kingdom Hearts
Studios I Curate
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