cosmickidz » Favorites (144)
If it's your birthday click on this by gianater
Pixel Jump Ultimate (v2.21) by theChAOTiC
Untitled-161 by Lightnin
Rubik's 1x2x3 puzzle by MathBubba
Guns and Ships PMV by WildfiretheSandwing
Typer Shark! Deluxe by Tommy100
ALEXANDER HAMILTON!!!! by 10milllionFireflies
Do You LOVE Scratch? (A Voting System) by MasterOfTheTiger
The Schuyler Sisters Animation by ExperienceSea
The Story of Grace Hopper by SilverSprite22
Bruce Goes to McDonald's by thoyal
☁ Cloud Vote by Will_Wam
Beginnings by DolphinMan101
Me Solving Rubik's Cube (Again!) by The_Grits
Just Do It AMV by KJEKJE
Tag, You're It! by BoltBait
Rentendo OS Zeta V6.2 by Awesomeness1015
I Like Trains? by fatkidplayer
Pico by fatkidplayer
Nobody-ish by scratchU8
EEL Slap by RoastedSquirrel64
Believe by Wildflight
jarquanzela licky by cosmickidz
Trick or Treat! by Alphaspac
my life by 5921k
3D Star Wars 0.9.1-2 by LBMCompany
Treadmill Simulator by Hobson-TV
SUPER Hide by mini_Matte
Turtle AMV by elepp
Happy 1 year? by KJEKJE
Operators Blocks: asin , acos, and atan by scmb1
How To Be BOARD by BrSa00309
Treadmill- Pixel art by Broguy
MATCH by Superza
Contest Results! by KJEKJE
Scratchy! by PowerFlow
Spray by stickfiregames
Camera Simulation by ashwinr
Sonic The Hedgehog 4 by joshua404
I'M A POTATO!! by ThePlatypusLord
Scratchnapped (A mario style platform game) by griffpatch
Nutella (Mini-Game) by ThePancakeMan
7 Am by Hobson-TV
Excercising with Timothy by SJstudios
Jump! by metal509
Gooey by GhastlyConjurer
super smash bros music by larry23
Pencil Sharpener Protection by mojohill
List Game - The Quest for Better and Better Stuff by jjvan
Hamburger Perspective by ThePancakeMan
Break-dancing Pig by Hobson-TV
Old Western Name Generator by Hobson-TV
Super Mario by cdaniels7088
Viva la illuision by qqqqqq582
lego animation by qqqqqq582
Password by ThePancakeMan
Drawings of Scratchers #1 by BNNMN444TvTest
Start From Scratch (an original song) by KJEKJE