coolboyleo1 » Favorites (673)
Chara boss theme UNDERTALE: TLHM by cgg115
Super Mario Bros. Remastered Version 1.1 by mario490
The Henry Stickmin Vector Sprite [OUTDATED] by JohnBB06
Henry Stickmin OST Collection by Polargaming64
Crossing The Pit! - Henry Stickmin - Remake by -TheMadCoder-
Surviving the Sea by charmanderember
The Betrayed (Reanimated) by Kap5
Henry Stickmin Goes For The Girl by Coolbe22
Crossing the Pit Remake - Henry Stickmin by HeyoGame
henry stickmin cros the pit by coolboyleo1
Completing the Mission 2 (improved) by Kap5
Completing The Mission Ending Reader! v1.5 by Weegeeboss-Luigi
Completing The Mission Ultimate Ending Reader! (fanon) by cs1049039
completing the mission title screen ver 3.4 remix by Trash-man64
Completing the mission Fail Template (my version) by YouYouRussia
Dance, Scratch Cat, Dance! (remix) remix but it's broken by gavingamertv2020
Dance, Scratch Cat, Dance! (remix) by gavingamertv2020
swim, Scratch Cat, swim! by 1up10
Arrows Vector Trace - Friday Night Funkin' by AwezomeXD
Small Progress Update by AwezomeXD
Boyfriend Complete Trace - Friday Night Funkin' by AwezomeXD
(UNFINISHED) Super Mario On Scratch 5(WITH SMFS4 LOGO) by ItsAMariotime135
My Super Mario for Scratch Maker Levels by bradylay24
Super Mario Planet v1.8 by bradylay24
The Conclusive Battle | The Henry Stickmin Collection | Infiltrating the Airship by CoolGuy00001
One of the "Infiltrating The Airship" Failures by ajaymay
Infiltrating the airship (Henry Stickmin) by dapro99od6s
Henry Stickmin - Infiltrating The Airship but there is a working play button by MR_LOUDSBERG
Distraction Dance by joeyatcarnegie
dead meme trace 1 - distraction dance by beansbeans6754
Stealing the Diamond menu recreated by beansbeans6754
Stealing The Diamond Scratch addition by thelionslearn
Henry Stickmin - Infiltrating The Airship (MENU) v.2 by bebisfan
Infiltrating The Airship [Scratch Remake] [Beta] by KieferGames
Infiltrating the Airship Fail Template by YouveBeenDistracted
Matsnat64's Updated Overworld Engine (More sounds) by captain_mushroom
BITF Title Screen BETA by captain_mushroom
100 Followers! by captain_mushroom
Henry Stickmin stealing the safe by CTRacer500
if by radio80fm
boys can explode? by radio80fm
Hey look! Charles is here! by SUPER_scratcher188
Fleeing The Complex 2 (With Bios) W.I.P by RightHandMan-
dream team battle by seanseantrimmel
Henry Stickmin Fails by moriadan
fortnite dance battle (updated) by mjg68
Orange Justice - Fortnite Dance by zmakam0111
Scratch Cat Hype by bwinder
colors for CtF by Matsnat64
Mario and Luigi Overworld engine by Matsnat64
good ol' fist fight by Matsnat64
Super Mario Bros. A version 3! :) by ItsAMariotime135
Super Mario Bros. Replication by akamaru_prg
Getting Over It super mario bros. 3 edition by Snoopy_N64
Mario Kart 8.5 by Hobson-TV
Mario Kart 8 Screluxe v0.5.0 by lisa_wolfgang
Super Mario Bros. Remastered: Version 1.0 by mario490
My Intro by _Octo_
let's go CHARLES!?!?!?? meme by johnnytest67
henry stickmin the airship theme (old) by parachutehenrystick