Scratcher Joined 7 years, 11 months ago Brazil
About me
Colégio Municipal de Indaial
What I'm working on
Prof. de Informática: Itaboraí Cordoni Ebertz
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (100+)
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Meio Ambiente - Ana, Adermar, Sabrina, Emilly, Kauane by colegiomunicipal
Meio Ambiente- Monique, Vitória, Carlos M. Stefany. by colegiomunicipal
Meio ambiente: Larissa,Gabriel,Amanda e Guilherme by colegiomunicipal
Trabalho Artes: Erica, Leticia, Kauani, Thiago, Andrei, Larissa by colegiomunicipal
ITABORAI by colegiomunicipal
Dialog Pablo Bruno Gui by colegiomunicipal
Dialog Kauan and Henrique Dhon by colegiomunicipal
Dialog Letícia and Késia by colegiomunicipal
Dialog Kelwin and Wesley by colegiomunicipal
Dialog Yasmin and Karine by colegiomunicipal
Dialog Gustavo and Kevin by colegiomunicipal
Dialog Marcela and Amanda A, by colegiomunicipal
Dialog Lucas and Anderson by colegiomunicipal
Dialog; Maria and Eliandra by colegiomunicipal
Dialog Vitor and Gustavo by colegiomunicipal
Dialog Santhiago and Augusto by colegiomunicipal
Dialog Jenifer and Amanda by colegiomunicipal
dialog-Suyanni and Gabryel by colegiomunicipal
Dialog Beatriz e Hevelyn by colegiomunicipal
Dialog Vinicius and Diogo by colegiomunicipal
Favorite Projects
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