cjfoxy » Favorites (36)
Minecraft Fail #3 by fatkidplayer
Battle Quest by venomous-squirrel
The Animation Games II ENTRY by HawsBoss
What Harry Potter Character Are You? by ForeverPuppy
Bruno Mars, Pikachu - Uptown Funk by DiamondPikachu14
Battle: British vs Americans by te15migu
Skateboarding by theultimateguy02
SDS Template! by GreenIeaf
Scratcharia v2.8.3 by griffpatch
Elements Personality Quiz by Personalities
Eeveelutions Personality Quiz by PikachuRox
Sound Studio 2015 by macio6
Do you Like Waffles AMV by ThePancakeMan
Pico dancing!! by cjfoxy
That moment when that one song comes on. by WazzoTV
Some Nights Parody - Noob Nights - Minecraft Video by WazzoTV
Scratch Day Opening Session by ricarose
Pacman Digger by GJRimmer67
Super Open-World Retro RPG by GrannyCookies
Add your majestic face on a chicken :3 remix by cjfoxy
Scratch Super Heroes 1 by MeowMeowMaster
HAWAI'I!!!!!! by cjfoxy
Meghan Trainor-All About that Bass by kittybebe
Fruti Ninja!!! by cjfoxy
Jetpack joyride (By kts2013) by kts2013
The Fantastic Cats!! by cjfoxy
The X - Cats by cjfoxy
The Scratch Cat League! by cjfoxy
Catvengers! by apollo1000
SDS Super Heros! by MeowMeowMaster
Project Enderman #1 by cjfoxy
Meet Steve by cjfoxy
Chicken Coup by b00k_w0rm
Cap'n Garbanzo!! by cjfoxy
Valentine's Day Special by Pickle-Productions