Scratcher Joined 3 years, 9 months ago Brazil
About me
I became a scratcher on May 6, 2021 and from that I managed to create variable in the cloud, but before that everything was different and I created my scratch account 2 weeks ago
What I'm working on
i'm looking over the internet how to make cloud variable more on may 6, 2021 everything changed i managed to create cloud variable this is perfect i'll use this to make highscore in my games
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (31)
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Day - A Parallax (remix2) by cianofobia3275
2D impressor 2 | impressora 2D 2 by cianofobia3275
apple catcher 2 by cianofobia3275
impressora 2D | 2D impressor by cianofobia3275
meu perfil | my profile by cianofobia3275
Serenity: night with cat remix remix by cianofobia3275
Perguntas malucas e cores para cenários[MAIS QUE HORROR] by cianofobia3275
emergency landing on island animation by cianofobia3275
car run by cianofobia3275
intro para ciano fobia remix by cianofobia3275
Plane shooter (With Cloud variable!!!) - UPDATE by cianofobia3275
intro de jogos remix by cianofobia3275
perseguição no fundo do mar remix do remix by cianofobia3275
Solar smash Versao 0.2 by cianofobia3275
RECADO IMPORTANTE(versão cianofobia) by cianofobia3275
mario coin(ATUALIZADO) by cianofobia3275
como instalar windows 10 de graça I som de batida bugado by cianofobia3275
Um jornal meio estranho remix by cianofobia3275
fnaf jumpscare simulation by cianofobia3275
airplane emergency landing on water by cianofobia3275
Favorite Projects
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emergency landing on island animation by cianofobia3275
Computador 0.1 by PifuCat
Plane shooter (With Cloud variable!!!) - UPDATE by cianofobia3275
ace combat 7: scratch unknow v 1.3.1 by animaker_98
intro de jogos remix by cianofobia3275
Simulador de celular! - BETA remix by TUIGRAN14
Plane shooter (With Cloud variable!!!) by atchim_corona
RECADO IMPORTANTE remix by s-e-i-l-a
como instalar windows 10 de graça by atchim_corona
Um jornal meio estranho remix by cianofobia3275
perseguição no fundo do mar remix by PifuCat
FNF - Ugh by vizcaya
Musical Buttons by Scratchteam
RECADO IMPORTANTE by GuilhermeTeixeira210
airplane emergency landing on water by cianofobia3275
3D scratch block by atchim_corona
pong with ball and paddle by cianofobia3275
perguntas malucas 2 I easter egg atualizado by cianofobia3275
plane engine simulator 3 I easter egg by cianofobia3275
Studios I'm Following
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projs de avião
game jam 1
the funniest stuff you may every see
AniBoom studios
Axolotl || an incredible creature
comunidade contra poluição[cianofobia4052]
Estudio dos brs e pt
everyone who follows me will become a curator
Comunidade BR e PT Ativa!
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Untitled Studio
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scratch aviation projects
✦Scratch Aviation Corporation✦✈
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Studios I Curate
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projs de avião
game jam 1
AniBoom studios
comunidade contra poluição[cianofobia4052]
everyone who follows me will become a curator
Untitled Studio
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Empty a Platformer!
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✦Scratch Aviation Corporation✦✈
scratch aviation projects
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