chip_acnh » Favorites (15)
Birds of a feather sister trend ft my sister by Flyingchipmunks
I got doxed by six ft evacxre by Flyingchipmunks
The secret of agent E by Flyingchipmunks
How many followers???? by Flyingchipmunks
Me like the art! by Flyingchipmunks
Me telling someone I’m British but I look Chinese (m to the b meme) by Flyingchipmunks
What should you do if you see me in public by Flyingchipmunks
CUTE COMBO ATTACK by Flyingchipmunks
Draw your monster by Flyingchipmunks
Why you so obsessed with me? by Flyingchipmunks
Love for you gacha life 2 ship by Flyingchipmunks
Which Animal Crossing Character Are You? by ipzy
ACNH moments ♡ by _froggy_chair
Congrats on 40+ followers!! by ilikedoggos2013
We are not the same person- remix #all by Flyingchipmunks