Scratcher Joined 1 month, 2 weeks ago United States
About me
a fourth grader who is part of the osc, is pretty good at coding and has always wanted to make a object show and i am making one and also your object can be in it Also follow @Turkialothman
(^ ^)
What I'm working on
a object show you can make a character and maybe your character can be in it
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (44)
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ten followers special by captinameer
very confusing by captinameer
dican prounounced die san by captinameer
i made one (cardy) by captinameer
dancing dino by captinameer
enjoy your week by captinameer
bfam fanart by captinameer
dican by captinameer
cat dodging by captinameer
i tried my hardest by captinameer
Think cenidope Think by captinameer
SIGN UPS FOR MY NEW SERIES remix by captinameer
my first good anime (kinda) by captinameer
Remix this! I will follow you. remix remix remix remix remix-2 remix by captinameer
i am not on a break anymore by captinameer
bfpj intro by captinameer
spacehead by captinameer
Scratch Verse! SIGN UPS i wanna va by captinameer
adventuring kiran and dot (unfinished) by captinameer
plane dodging by captinameer
Favorite Projects
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Meat... the runaway from the world by emeraldfiredragon
ok so basically i drew a hog by Sunnii_W
scratchemon cards v1.56 by essca2015
The PAINT Platformer by Technomaster101
cuphead rap jt music slapshot by JTMUSICMASTER
AYS Even Primes - Redone by GalaxyVoid0
Tower Defence Countries Edition 10 #Games #Trending by auk12
I was in @IncognitoOrange's House!!1! #all #animations by GreenIsBAd
How to Animate Lip Sync! #animations #stories #art by IncognitoOrange
Fishing Simulator [Kraken] #All #Games by foxycoder7891
Enemy Undefined Meme by necrozma_the_hunter
Fighting Assets by Kirby6520
Hatty! by egsuarez
(CLOSED) Dandy's World Art Contest!! by procatpro
Bfam: epi 2 by mtayl539
Bfam: epi 1 by mtayl539
Turn by SMers
The Skiing Movie #animations #stories #music #art #all by bigJbigBricks
spin by FelixAnimates247
Casinogame !!! by Jo-Studios01
Studios I'm Following
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BFPJ/battle for private jet (join if you are in)
2025 | The Animator Awards
BFAM/ Battle For A Million
Cool scratchers!✨
super spys
object shows
Green's Friends and Followers!
Scratch The Movie...
A.G.S animation games and stories
Inviting everyone in scratch to this studio
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