calegcc » Favorites (95)
#9 - UNO by LilTwigg
The Daily SOSC: Issue 3 by TheDailySOSC
HLB 2: We didn't start the fire by Gombidor
HLB 1: Welcome to my crappy art canyon by Gombidor
Fish not included v0.3 by griffpatch
Asset Objects [1a]: "It's Gotta Start Somewhere!!!" by Asset-Objects_OFCL
TSS 1: Starting Again [Full Episode] by OceanPerson
a teaser for File OBJ 3a by Gombidor
The Second Struggle's Intro! [Ep 1 - 3] by OceanPerson
ODD Episode 1 - Static by apple111111
TSS 1a: Starting Again [Part 1] by OceanPerson
greenstudios1234 Becoming Canny by greenstudios1234
Oodle becomes Uncanny by vinhkhang2020
COT 1 - Unexpected Presence (REUPLOAD) by block976
tfs 2a: ⌇⏁⍜⌰⟒⋏ ☊⊑⏃⋏☊⟒⌇ by StarCryptid
Oddle the Doodle Becoming Canny Tests by talegcc
Oodle the Doodle Becoming Canny - MATH by jerejere
Oodle the Doodle Becoming Canny by ObjectPalozza
BFS 14: Finally the Finale by OceanPerson
tfs 1b: wow the book it’s magic by StarCryptid
The Asset Objects Release Date Trailer by Asset-Objects_OFCL
BOTO 1a: A Not So Friendly Introduction by Checkpoint_Coder
BFS 13: Cast Your Vote by OceanPerson
Asset Objects 1a Sneak Peak 2!! by Asset-Objects_OFCL
BFS 12: News and Nostalgia by OceanPerson
Shopping District by apple111111
Suburbs by apple111111
Lonely Space by apple111111
BFMA 1A: A Fresh Start by Fenn9999
B.O.T.S fanmade intro by chengot_again
BFMA Signups! [20/20] [CLOSED] by Fenn9999
Apple OST - Return to Bitter Light by apple111111
BFS 11: Hidden away by OceanPerson
BFS 10: Where's the instructions? by OceanPerson
Asset Objects 1a Sneak Peak by Asset-Objects_OFCL
3D Asset Test by Itz_Tyler
Unimmune Inanimates 1B: Work at Pizza Place by _Paintbrush
Unimmune Inanimates 1A: Let's Play A Game by _Paintbrush
BFS 9: Sink or swim by OceanPerson
Which Kind Of Animation Do You Like? by ultimateturtlemaster
BFS 8: Stack 'em up by OceanPerson
File OBJ Signups! (Again) Closed. by Gombidor
RC 1A: Took You Long Enough by RandomScratcher938
FNF X BOTS (Week 1- SRS) by calegcc
Pencil's Adventure: Demo by Sanol
RC 1A (Alternate) Extras: What I had in 3 Days by -Tungster-
Ice Cube and the Tower by ZYellow
BFS 7: Just a reflex by OceanPerson
BOTS Episode 15 - Within Light by apple111111
The 30-Minutely Scratch Object Show 6 - A Meaty Finish by Moddelues
BFS 6b: Is this safe? by OceanPerson
BOTS Episode 14 - Darkness by apple111111
The Marble Race Show ep. 2 by _Coding_Master
BOTS Episode 13 - Allegiance by apple111111
BOTS Episode 12 - Breaking by apple111111
10-Colour Race - Scratch Marble Races by _Coding_Master
BFS 6a: Kernels by OceanPerson
BOTS challenge 6 - Rush hour castle by chengot
BOTS Episode 11 - Empire by apple111111
BOTS Episode 10 - Falling by apple111111