blazedragon08 » Favorites (34)
New memetro by geronimo6
something went terribly wrong by geronimo6
Super Scratch Bros Beta 4.0 by Hobson-TV
a stack of sticks by geronimo6
♡ Panic meme ♡ by kirtmew
Fazbear Reboot Demo v1.8 (ages 13+) by ScottCawthonJR
box adventure 1.1 by hyper4cat
Scratching Dawn - Episode 2 (old) by M_axj
YOU HAD ONE JOB AND FAILED MISERABLY by connecticutscratcher
Percy Jackson VS Harry Potter! by AgentX51
Scratch: Story Mode | Episode 1 by -Cinematic-
The Great Prison Escape by mattcam
Undertale AMV by TurboKitten
Toxic AMV by Ask_LightningStar
The Ninja 5 Hacked! by Will_Wam
NINJA 5 weapon launch! by eldermaster
Backpack items by blazedragon08
cool sprites by drpickle
Naruto ep.1 by sdhfgbgvno
Garmik (RPG game) Demo by blazedragon08
2D Super Mario Odyssey V3 by Brad-Games
Scratcharia (#2) v2.7.1 by griffpatch
Scratcharia v2.8.3 by griffpatch
Totally Accurate Battle Simulator - Level 2 by letsplayally
Antfestation v1.4 by Psiborg
Ninja Trailer by blazedragon08
Twins by t9decode
new intro by geronimo6
The Ninja 5 by Will_Wam
Endangered Animals and Where to Find Them by B4Cla
Naruto v.s Sasuke game fighting by BRAN
Will_Wam Tower Defense 2 by Will_Wam
3D Editor 0.1 by Linop