Scratcher Joined 3 years, 5 months ago Canada
About me
stay in school dont do drugs
notonsale was hacking my account and ill get revenge on that guy
What I'm working on
mega dome blaster 3000
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (100+)
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help by blah-blahpop
Smg8 Bio by blah-blahpop
the lost smg's mr bogs by blah-blahpop
Torture by blah-blahpop
last halloween special (until 2024). witnessed murder by blah-blahpop
human form for madness by blah-blahpop
for im_madness by blah-blahpop
halloween special. think for suspects.. by blah-blahpop
Halloween special clonecounter by blah-blahpop
FUTUR3 by blah-blahpop
for duke-duke_highscore by blah-blahpop
Murder Drone by blah-blahpop
M0N5T3RS by blah-blahpop
Untitled-3 by blah-blahpop
-=Dry Dry smg8 by blah-blahpop
maskdoggle remastered by blah-blahpop
bags siminiminator 2 by blah-blahpop
Test for text by blah-blahpop
What is my kill count? by blah-blahpop
⚠️ TRADE OFFER ⚠️ (announcement) remix by blah-blahpop
Favorite Projects
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SANS, I just snorted a suitcase full of coke - MEME by The_Otter_101
Riggy Vector + DAVE WENDY (V1.6) by Pac-Stick
Are you British? (Animation Meme) by Squaranti66
fnaf im at soup by artcompany2
AY Fighting on a Hovertrain (12) remix by Xx_Damien_Wolfe_Xx
AY Fighting on a Hovertrain (7) by Alzter
AYS Error code 110101 by hatched_spark
yahoo simulator (v1.1) by GameboyEpicDude125
confront me by IM_MADNESS
Jump in the CaaC (Deltarune) by awesomeal82
"It's Pizza Time!" but it keeps changing styles by SuperScratchMaker123
AYS Demolition FNF Holiday Part2 by KingJohnPeeps
RED FLAGS by PeteyBirdd
Think Z Mix AYS 2.0.1 by TheUltitledRemixer
Add yourself/your oc singing Encounter Z Mixed by snackerboi
corrupted fear (Death Toll) by IM_MADNESS
SMG4 scream meme :') by HeyitsMousy
Tokyovania × Shanghaivania mashup Shankyovania by mktjapan
(AYS) LORE [Mewmix] by SomeWinterGuy
Studios I'm Following
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THE FREE COOKIE STUDIO (add stuff here)
animation tests/experiments
the analmed chronology
lost smg's meet the bois
the lost smg's videos
the lost smg's
The NICE Studio
Three opposites studio
The stick verse
The SnipeyPlayz Studio
popping studios
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