blade10 » Favorites (130)
random talking cats by Me_
Virtual Pet by Me_
3D Rubik's Cube Demo by wwjd3
Rainbow Ribbons by SeanCanoodle
Pong by SeanCanoodle
Gravity Ball by SeanCanoodle
One Paddle Pong by SeanCanoodle
Etch-A-Sketch by SeanCanoodle
Mini Tanks AI by SeanCanoodle
Shooter-Man by SeanCanoodle
Advanced String by SeanCanoodle
Fire Generator by SeanCanoodle
Text to Morse Code by SeanCanoodle
Pick up Fifty by SeanCanoodle
Perfect Ellipse by SeanCanoodle
Flower Garden by SeanCanoodle
City Creator by SeanCanoodle
Hover Board V 2.0 by sarge981
stackers by m44
MY BANANA PHONE! by Oranguin
Jetman - Banana by HomeSkilletBiscuit
Rock Band by B-Reyn428
Pacman Lite by 07dayc
Tic-Tac-Toe: Human vs. Computer by SenatorPenguin
Jetpack Adventure 3 by byurocks
Darkrai's Doom by plumberry
Sonic CD Advanced by Oldschooler2
Its Peanut Butter Jelly Time! by sausagestand
Cube World - Lost In Space by Tanner-FBI
Park your car by tobi111
Paper Racers by SeanCanoodle
crash bandicoot psp by m44
Sonic vs. Knuckles (Sonic Showdown) by Oldschooler2
pokemon RPG by archmage
Mario vs Luigi: Flaming Fart Fight! by archmage
year calculator by Goldfish01
your weight on other planets by tycoon32
Arceus's Annihilation by plumberry
Crash Scratchsanity by bosox397
Scrolling Done Right by archmage
Mini Golf by music_man
Cube World X-Treme by Tanner-FBI
My story by PrincessDolphin
''Fountain'' OP ~~PREVIEW~~ by Meiraaa
how to draw by dialga
Lucky Star and Haruhi Suzumiya! by Meiraaa
Archknight's Adventure-2 Archmage Returns by Juzzyboy
Dr. Mario Demo by RJ1
Robot Rumble by newareagle
Virtual Golf by bigB
Jetpack Sam by Bloing_Gloing
Ricochet Mini-Golf by Paddle2See
Wilderness Survival by Bluestribute
Pokemon Tournament by Kresinho
Legend of Zelda, Reign of Darkness Beta by geckofreak
3d rc car by m44
Tap, Tap, Revolution- Donkey Kong by B-Reyn428
Super Mario 64 by maxsteele2
Man Utd vs Chelsea by Son-Vietnam