beacantor » Shared Projects (108)
straight and curved lines by beacantor
squares and curves 2 by beacantor
logo game by beacantor
shape stamp by beacantor
color disks 2 by beacantor
Flash by beacantor
making blocks by beacantor
Himno de antioquia by beacantor
O Wie Wohl by beacantor
round! by beacantor
run, jump, shoot demo by beacantor
colorfall by beacantor
clone grid by beacantor
Hungry Fish by beacantor
basic spiro by beacantor
Kaleidoscope by beacantor
another snowflake by beacantor
just 12 blocks by beacantor
shape overlap spiral by beacantor
Jackson Pollock Paintbrush by beacantor
Mondrian by beacantor
clone arms spiral by beacantor
Kandinsky-inspired animation by beacantor
Gif Singer by beacantor
Spinner Platform by beacantor
Just 8 blocks! by beacantor
ocean animation by beacantor
Game Design Challenge by beacantor
Spiral art by beacantor
Follow Project by beacantor
Hello Monster! by beacantor
steps and angles by beacantor
spiral by beacantor
Knock-knock starter by beacantor
Thanksgiving chatbot by beacantor
Drawing with shapes and repeating patterns by beacantor
Exploring Shapes by beacantor
Untitled-2 by beacantor
Catch the fish by beacantor
click the apple by beacantor
Pen patterns starter project by beacantor
Scratch's Quest by beacantor
Playing with patterns by beacantor
Unstuck 10 - Combat Clone by beacantor
Unstuck 9 - I heard a herd by beacantor
Unstuck 8 - paddle game by beacantor
Unstuck 7 - interactive spirograph by beacantor
Unstuck 6 - Whack a mole by beacantor
Color sensing project by beacantor
Unstuck 5 Musicolors by beacantor
Unstuck 4- Broadcast by beacantor
Unstuck 3, a bike by beacantor
rainbow spirals redux by beacantor
Unstuck 2 - Keyboard controls by beacantor
Unstuck 1 - Surprise!! by beacantor
Introducing: Me! by beacantor
Basic Paddle Game by beacantor
Spinning Cat Starter by beacantor
rainbow spirals by beacantor
Stamping spiral by beacantor