barnett18 » Favorites (275)
^Nightcore^ Never Back Down (Nine Lashes) by Future_Galaxy
freshtale-Megalovania by Gabreyal
Freshtale sans GENOCIDE battle... by SCRATCHcraft233
Shinedown-Enemies (COOLER) by -OptimusMaximus-
Breaking Benjamin-Red Cold River by -OptimusMaximus-
Inside The Fire- Disturbed by -OptimusMaximus-
Breaking Benjamin-Blow Me Away by -OptimusMaximus-
The Last Stand- Sabaton by Rogue_Shadow1
Still waiting -Sum41 remix forever by Iron-Man-Spiderman
Nightcore - The Struggle remix by thaonguyen2008
Living In A Nightmare remix by lloradar27
(ECHO remix) UnderVerse by _--_X-Tale_Sans_--_
Nightcore set it off! by Foxy-and-mangle128
Ticci Toby Tribute (first project) (warning blood) by TicciTobyFangurl
Nightcore Horrible Kids! by dorknicole
Nickelback - Savin Me by DJM83
Jeff the Killer tribute by TicciTobyFangurl
dance with the devil by i_like_katanas
Nightcore- Let it Brn remix-2 by BILLDIP4EVER
If Today Was Your Last Day - Nickleback remix by assasinscreed22
Welcome to the Family- Avenged Sevenfold by Stormx-men
FOZZY by -OptimusMaximus-
Boulevard Of Broken Dreams by pastelminecraft
Soldiers ~ Nightcore by SimbaDies
leader-warrior inside by lavadude913
NateWantsToBattle Monster Inside Remix by The_Galactic_Gummy
Goodbye - A Minecraft Original Song by Little_Lucyy
Living In A Nightmare by SuperGirlyGamer17
Nightcore-My Heart Is Broken remix by haywolf
Nightcore - Partners In Crime remix by DJFluttershy190904
Miku- Never Too Late by Haloman109
Halo Music Video-Gone Forever remix by cs500555
Akame Ga Kill - One For The Money by Klyles93
Nightcore ~ Courtesy Call Gaster version remix by the_girl_puppet
~+~Cold As Ice~+~ Nightcore~+~ by blizzurd
~+~Cold As Ice~+~ Nightcore~+~ remix by Radioactiveblood
Wolf in Sheeps clothing remix by asylumtalesans123
Wolf in Sheeps clothing remix by the_girl_puppet
Wolf in Sheeps Clothing-Set if Off by Bendy4life
Nightmare~Natewantstobattle remix by Death_the_timehog
Nightmare~Natewantstobattle remix remix by SkyTheWolf
Gone Forever!- Three Days Grace by Eremin14
Halo Music Video-Gone Forever remix by RVB_CABOOSE
Nightcore-Over And Over remix by sonic6789
The monster inside-Dark Super Evil Sonico by ThePower2223
Nightcore ~ Feel Invincible by malefiecent
Papa Roach - Last Resort (Explicit) remix by Jay1574320onyt
Everybody's Fool - Evanescence (Nightcore) remix by gothicbutterfly
[NIGHTCORE] Going Under ~ Evanescence by malefiecent
~Nightcore~Wonderland~ by CrystalMidnight
Nightcore ~ Discord by divall
~Nightcore~My Demons~ by CrystalMidnight
Partners In Crime ~ Set it off by cs500250
Nightcore It Has Begun remix by gothicbutterfly
whatever it takes nightcore. by puppydogs65
Everybody's Fool - Evanescence (Nightcore) by NightcoreFan
Everybody's Fool By Evanescence - Nightcore remix by animelover1232
Sarcasm- Get scared by goldenfreddythegirl
sarcasm undertale by pastelminecraft
Chyrstal black butler bio. by pfowler