awesomefireyninja » Favorites (93)
Nature (A Platformer) by Hemkernator
^ Pokemon SiennaFusion V.0.4.2 ^ by maplepancakes
Kawaii Platformer by randomperson100
Diamond Volcano ~platformer~ by scrooch2005
Text Conversation Generator by Abstract-
Platformer by Semi99999
Pokemon Falling Into Darkness Ver. 1.4 by Dragongirl59
Ice Ice Lake is a dangerous lake for swimmers by chavis79
Coin Man by Flapjax404
- v1.13 (#1) by griffpatch
Fight Fire With Fire by Will_Wam
Fight Fire With Fire 3 by Will_Wam
Sushi Platformer by key01134
Warriors the game platformer by mansua1
Add yourself watching Bowser sitting on Link! by SonicSpecialHedgehog
Music Box Composer by Lataliat
Gobo Evolution by MysteryCreator7
Speedy Slime by SHDW_RLM
When Peach isn't Castle by TheSuperSmashBro
Bloons TD Battles v4.6 by Tommy100
Super Mario Brothers (1s1s) by BoltBait
JUMP TESTER by Soccer_Bros
Untitled-26 by ljroor
DOODLE JUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by apple314
Coin Rain by MMHMMH
Help the turtle! (Choose your own adventure) by cs24921
Scratch to the Future by Tymewalk
Paper Minecraft v11.7 (Minecraft 2D) by griffpatch
G-force by Yllie
awesomefireyninja theam page by awesomefireyninja
Link vs. Steve by Catastrophe1999
Adding Adventure! by balex12
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