awesomefireyninja » Favorites (93)
Scratch's Galaxy Adventure v1.0 by -FinalTrack-
Super Scratch Bros. Beta 3.0 by Hobson-TV
thank you. by Za-Chary
SUPER SCRATCH BROS. ULTIMATE! (W.I.P.) by awesomefireyninja
Taco's Adventure[WIP] by awesomefireyninja
M A R I O v0.4.2 by THE_MOST
Scrolling Platformer Engine v0.4 [100% Pen] by CrystalKeeper7
Cloud Luigi 's Balloon World! by FunnyAnimatorJimTV
Minecraft Quiz! (Different Question) remix by Bestminecraftpro
The Ninja 6 by Will_Wam
Jelly World *English* 1.9 - Platform Game by MastermindSid
The glitched face by awesomefireyninja
Fill - A Puzzle Game by CrystalKeeper7
Super Mario Odyssey 2D | PART 2 by 23ScratchMan
Jello Jumper (with level editor) by Java_Programmer
Ninja Clicker[WIP] by awesomefireyninja
Fortnite by huntedskelly
Minecraft by Derble
The Ninja 5 by Will_Wam
Racer (beta) by awesomefireyninja
[OLD] Mario Party by Ciaran33X33
[OLD] Plants vs Zombies 2 by Ciaran33X33
Missile Dodging by awesomefireyninja
Isolation (Scrolling Platformer) by uplift
SHARK ATTACK! by awesomefireyninja
Adrift by -TorpedoTurtle-
Pen Platformer 2 [Remade] by RacingAce
Zambie Fighter by MLGdoge1738
Interactive Spirals by benfire811
Pokemon GO! v0.5 by JH-Games
Donkey Kong by wariobro
Nerf In A Nutshell by Shwip
Issue 1 - Scratch Cat Edition by Scratch-Minion
Mario Platformer by Zelda123
Best Day Ever by snow-cannon
The Ninja 4 by Will_Wam
The Ninja by Will_Wam
Transient by KICK_THE_HABIT
Super Mario Bros (version 10) by PaulKoning
Platformer Tutorial v0.12 by griffpatch_tutor
Kirby Superstar Ultra- Green Greens DEMO by kcdscratch
Super Mario Run マリオ Mario by FunnyAnimatorJimTV
Scratchnapped (A mario style platform game) by griffpatch
Top 20 Platformers on Scratch! by MrRaisin
Scrap by FaceOs
Super Mario Maker for Scratch! V1.2.1 by MarioFan3629
Paper Mario Battle Creator by Brad-Games
Mario VS Bowser Game Battle by SonicSpecialHGaming
Super Mario on Scratch v 0.3 by DMgamingplay
MacDonalds Tycoon remix by awesomefireyninja
MacDonalds Tycoon by theolive
Taco Clicker by theolive
Super Slime Smash (v1.21) by theChAOTiC
Slime Ninja by DarkLava
- by Incro
Scratchy goes to fly! by awesomefireyninja
Flying race! by awesomefireyninja
Pokémon Battle Simulator v.3.4 by skinick25
Except For the Turkey(Thanksgiving Special) by LightningGuy