awesomecool123456789 » Favorites (66)
doggy life by kettlehay
LOST IN SPACE | A Platformer | 5k Contest Entry by emax18
Rainforest Run by TimMcCool
Love & Fave Detector (working) by TimMcCool
UFO Pilot Camp [NEW Levels!] by Coder_Apple
Smash! ☺☺ Remix to SAVE PROGRESS! Fun clicker animation game! #games #by #atomicmagicnumber #scratch by atomicmagicnumber
-DODGE- by -Orbitron-
Super Scratch Bros. RISK 2.0 by -Infitnite-
Test the Virus v1.0 by awesomebricks1
Scratchblox - 500 Follower Special by SaltyCreeper67
| Cube Miner V | -- PEN GAME by legobuzz12
No Jumping - The Platformer by CapTV
New Super Mario Bros. Scratch (DEMO) by BirdNani
oh no time just collapsed - Platformer by thugadugary
A Puzzled Challenge (Omega Man) [SDS Approved] by NeonScratcher1275
CONTEST open by Moonstream_
Super Scratch Bros Beta 4.0 by Hobson-TV
The Avengers, A Platformer by diggerboy12
Life Boat SPOOKY! V2 by Green_Games
Bracket! by Booplesnoot08
Skyrun v2.1 by CapTV
painting time! by jacob20098
Plebble: Time Will Pass by awesomeal82
Plebble 5 is here! by awesomeal82
Mini Games by smashbroz
Plebble: Almost home! by awesomeal82
M I N E C R A F T by MusicManJoe
- Pokemon Clicker - by tomergan
jump man by mario100
Will_Wam Tower Defense 2 by Will_Wam
(Outdated) Smash KOMBAT XTREME (2 Player game) by SonicGamer2
Fruit Clicker!!!!! hacked by OrganicLollipop
Fruit Clicker by DISHDASH88
Speed Running! by -Parjos-
mining simulator hacked by asapcodes90
Cube Miner by legobuzz12
Postcards | Platformer by scratch_coco
Scratch Cat At The Beach (Clicker) by CatScrach_hi
Donut Clicker [v.2.2] by MrDonutAnimations
Skrt by MrDonutAnimations
CITY parkour glitchy worked before by akke27
Toxic Zone | A Platformer by Jumper133
Dragon spin!(just spinning dragons) by awesomecool123456789
Dragon clicker!(WIP) by awesomecool123456789
Old Town Road Clicker by MisterDoughnut
Bouncy Ninja 2 with colour and hairstyles by awesomecool123456789
The Ninja 5 Hacked by FieryCharizardXY
The Ninja 5 by Will_Wam
Gandalf | Platformer by scratch_coco
RUINED Mii Maker (updated) by TristenlikesPonies
Mii Maker Online on Scratch (Old Version) by PrinceMatthew9998
I Stole Yo Face! by noaheatsrib
platformer tutorial by fireball123
Platformer Tutorial by _Sunstrike_
Bunny Apocalypse v1.26 by Bunny5794
Bouncy Ninja 2 by Will_Wam
Scratch Clicker (Update) by -Bold-
The Quest for the Pizza [ Lag Alert ] by -HappyPotato-
YouTube Clicker remix by awesomecool123456789
catch the apples by awesomecool123456789