ave15 » Favorites (70)
Studio Update by WazzoTEST
Find Proof That Aliens Exist by THDINESPAR000
Platformer platformer? by BakedPotato09
Guy Sandbox by YW_Beta
Super Mario Bros. Level Pack 2023 by Will_Wam
Milk Clicker by -SocksNSandals-
the return? by WazzoTV
Me Every Time I Go To A Fast Food Place by WazzoTV
The Magic poo ball by kamsebali
Doggy Float by YW_Beta
Dino Do Dino Things by YW_Beta
Mr Beast platformer - Ver 1.0 by disnoobscratcher
Eggy Basket by YW_Beta
fish run 1.5 by B0sRN05
Dodge da ___ by YW_Beta
Weird, satisfying stuff by YW_Beta
How To Make Toast (Scratch Championship) by WazzoTV
Wazzo tv or griffpatch by vizzininj
Pen Platformer by -Rex-
yr mom clicker updated by 27adrianm
banana clicker v1.3 by ---Aspect---
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Cannonball V.5 by unlimitedcode_01
Youtube || Platformer by Bar_Ben
bennett owen (FIXED) outro by Elmomaster
bat man sim by Elmomaster
Platformer by Semi99999
Asteroid Belt: Star Wars Empire Strikes Back by vanravenstein
Blue! A Platformer! by Qhung06
Dubstep/Techno music by MIMPIGAMER
☁ Cloud Vote [Food Edition] by Will_Wam
Earth to Echo by Strikerwott12
Fast Feet Freddy's Free Roam Open World Extravaganza by ResMyler
Money Clicker by dMaN_jR
dMaN_jR. intro by dMaN_jR
Cheese puff jump by BakedPotato09
coffin dance by 20871317
Scratch techno by lolwel21
Best Techno 2009 by gaggerman
Techno by neongreen-
Memories by WazzoTV
Cooking with Jarquanzela Pt. 3 by WazzoTV
Scratch Heroes v1.0 by ResMyler
Slime Dash 1 by BakedPotato09
Blob Platformer v1.0 by BakedPotato09
stal by MontyDoggo
MELVIN SONG by catoof
Scratch VS Real Life by MegaComedyCentral
This project will get 1000 views by MegaComedyCentral
Elmo! by Titchy2005_Official
Blob Platformer v1.0 by ResMyler
World Of Fantasy by ResMyler
The Ninja Squad || A Mobile Friendly Platformer by JC_ProGold
The Ninja Squad 4 || A Mobile Friendly Platformer #games #all by JC_ProGold
Crossing the Road with the Crab by AgentGretel
When you think Griffpatch follows you! by KysicTV
DR.IZZLE (Unexpected Encounter) (Audio Only) by Nate_Da_Great
Pancake Robot by noahjb